Page 42 of London Has Fallen
“You strip the bitch?” I grind my teeth and grip my phone so fucking tight I fear I may crush it.
“Yes.” His laughter grates on my fucking nerves. The triplets are fully clothed but that courtesy didn’t apply to her, she is in nothing but her bra, panties and an oversized shirt of mine. That move will cost me if he finds out I gave her my shirt but fuck him, she will freeze out here before she even has a chance to make it out.
“You know the rules,” he says in a curt tone. He can’t say more with the others listening but I hear him loud and clear—make sure she doesn’t make it out of here alive. Costa doesn’t give a shit if his own sons die, it would work in his favor since Cronos and I never passed our trials, which means he gets to continue to lead. I don’t bother responding and just end the call as I see her begin to stir awake. She's groggy and shivers as she slowly sits up and grips her head between her hands. It takes her a moment before she slowly lowers her hands and begins to look around, she won’t be able to see much thanks to the darkness of the night.
Unlike her, I’m decked out in all tactical gear with night vision as well. It’s fucking freezing out here, the wind carries an icy chill.
“Motherfucker!” she shouts as she slowly climbs to her feet unsteadily using the tree near her for support. She spots the canister, knife and compass. She collects the compass off the ground and stares down at it for a moment.
Let’s see how well the Bloodhound and Hellhound trained you.
She gathers the other items and moves east, I smirk to myself. Clever girl can read a compass and she clearly knows which way to go. I wait a few minutes before I climb down and follow after her. She has until midday tomorrow to make it out of here or she loses. A part of me wishes I could help her but as the older brother to Adonis, Apollo and Ares, I can’t allow her to make it out even though the idea of killing her makes me feel sick to my stomach.
I follow her for hours making sure to keep enough distance between us so she can’t pick up on being followed. We’re not even halfway or near it when she comes to a stop and I duck behind a tree to watch as she drops her items and starts doing jumping jacks to get her blood flowing. She has no shoes, I can see blood coating her feet but she doesn’t complain. This girl is a fucking mystery, no woman has ever been deemed worthy to be a part of the Godfathers Of The Night because they are seen as weak. Women are supposed to be seen and not heard as Costa says. They cook, clean and carry our heirs, that’s all they are good for.
“I’m going murder each of those cocksuckers. They have no idea who they are fucking with!” I bite my lip to keep from smiling at her outrage. I’ll be honest, the sight of her in my shirt with her hair wild and in disarray, along with that angry snarl on her full lips, has my cock twitching in my cargo pants. When she finishes, she gathers her things and jogs away with me trailing after her. She descends an incline and I wait a few minutes before creeping forward to peak over the edge to make sure she is out of sight. I take one step forward, but then feel the distinct edge of her blade pressed against my back and freeze. “You’re heavy on your feet, your breathing gave you away three miles back, Artemis.” I raise my hands and slowly turn to face her, keeping my hands up, she looks lethal.
“You knew I was following you the whole time?” She presses the tip of the blade against my stomach and presses in closer.
“I know this may shock you but I’m not stupid. I may come off as arrogant and full of myself but one thing I have always taken seriously is my training and believe me, pretty boy, I was trained by the fucking best, so don’t go easy on me because you want to fuck me.” I open my mouth ready to bait her but the bitch makes her move. Before I can prepare, she shoves me backward, sending me down the incline. I grunt and growl the whole fucking way down. I feel like I’m rolling for hours but it must be mere minutes before I smack into the side of a tree with a loud grunt.
I breath through the pain and grit my teeth as I force myself to my feet ready to make my way back up there and strangle her fucking neck, but when I look up, I notice she isn’t there.
“Fuck!” I roar as I take off in a sprint through the woods to track her. She may have caught me off guard that time but I won’t give her a chance to do it again. My anger is riding me hard, now the idea of killing her does fucking appeal to me.
It has taken me hours of scouring the woods trying to pick up on her trail but there isn’t one to be found, if it wasn’t for a snapped branch a mile back I would think I was going the wrong way. She is fucking perfect at covering her trail, there isn’t a single footprint. The sun is cresting the horizon. Costa has called me twice to check on my status, I ignored his calls knowing what waits for me when I get back regardless of if I kill her now or not. She was supposed to be dead hours ago, but I failed.
I drop my backpack and take a second to rest, I know she is already miles ahead of me so I may as well rehydrate and take a breather. Dropping down on the hard cold earth I sigh, Costa underestimated her and so did I. Clearly her aunt was right, Chanel warned us not to underestimate her because she would prove us wrong and she has proven that point a couple times now. When my phone vibrates in my pocket I pull it out of my pocket ready to face my father but frown when I see it’s a random number. I answer.
“Who the fuck is this?” I snarl.
“Darling.” I jump to my feet and dart my gaze around me at the sound of her voice.
“Little demon, how did you get a phone?” I try to sound lax and uncaring.
“Oh, well it’s a funny story actually.” I grab my bag and start moving whilst keeping her talking.
“Tell me about it, baby, I’m curious now.”
“Well, I had this fucker tailing me from the moment I woke in the middle of the woods naked except for his shirt.” I smile and hum out a laugh. “I got rid of that dead weight and took off only for some other fucker to try take me down.”
“Where the fuck is he?” I snap before I can stop myself, the thought of one of the other trackers touching her sends my blood boiling.
“Baby, don’t worry,” she says in a mocking tone.
“Did you kill him?”
She chuckles. “Darling, you know how hot and heavy I get when you talk about murder.”
I come to a halt and grit my teeth. “Either you killed the cunt for touching what is mine or I find him and make you watch as I slit his fucking throat.”
“What’s yours?” The joking tone of her voice is gone and replaced by anger.
“Yeah, Omorfia, what is mine.”
“I’m not yours, Artemis.”
“Yeah, you are.”