Page 56 of London Has Fallen
“No.” My gaze snaps to London in shock. After what I just did to her I would have expected her to jump at the opportunity to slay me and bathe in my fucking blood. “You want me to kill that bitch then you need to tell me what the fuck is in it for me, you fat fuck.” Cronos snorts to mask his laughter while I kneel here with wide eyes—she has a fucking death wish.
“You worthless bitch, you will do it because I fucking ordered it. Now, do it.” He sneers in disgust, London flicks her gaze to me and I can see it in the depths of her eyes that she is fighting to remain in control of her emotions. “Kill him or I kill the four of them and make him watch.” His threat pushes me into action.
“Do it, you let them die and I will fucking carve the skin from your body and lay it across your worthless dead uncles grave.” Her emotions evaporate from her features as a cold emotionless mask overtakes her. She attempts to take a step forward but Cronos darts his arm out and grips her wrist.
“Don’t do it, darlin’, I can’t let you hurt him.” London says nothing as she reaches down and pries his fingers from her wrist.
“My mother once told me that only in madness do you find a beautiful death,” she says in a monotone way. She keeps her gaze on Costa as she closes the space between them and snatches the blade from his hand. “You may think you have won but let me assure you of this, Costa, you won the battle but you will not win the war. I will wipe you and your people from the fucking map.”
Costa laughs but there is little humor to it. “You will cause a war that will end your family, you stupid cunt.” To my utter surprise, London smiles showing her teeth but it’s the unhinged look in her eyes that sets me on edge.
“You broke the agreement with the families the moment you decided to touch me, you worthless piece of shit.” Costa strikes out and slaps her. I lurch forward but the guards push me back to my knees. Cronos is restrained by a new set of fuckers and disarmed. London staggers but doesn’t fall, she just smirks and spits blood at his feet. When she finally turns to me with that mask in place, I realize I am in the presence of the heart of the reaper.
I keep my gaze on him as I lower to my knees, his brown eyes shine with resolution and understanding. I fight with everything I have to keep hold of my anger, I want to hate him for what he did and said about Havoc but I know he only did those things so I wouldn’t be raped by Costa and his men. What he said about my uncle was to push me over the edge so I would save the lives of his brothers. I grip the hilt of the blade in my hand and place the other on the top of his shoulder. He smiles sadly and nods. I should run this knife through him and not give a second thought to my actions but… I hesitate and he sees it in my gaze. He gently reaches out and cups my cheeks between his hands, offering me comfort when he shouldn’t.
“Remember how much you hated me when we first met?” I nod stiffly. “Latch onto that, draw on that hate and let it fester until it controls you… then run that fucking knife through me so you can save the life of your best friend and my little brothers.”
I press the tip of the blade against his stomach and stare into his eyes. “I don’t hate you,” I whisper, he smiles and nods.
“I know,” he whispers placing a soft kiss to my lips as I ram the knife into his abdomen. He gasps and as his brothers begin to fight to get to him, he flops forward and rests his forehead against my shoulder. His breathing is labored, I slam my eyes closed and will my fucking emotions to remain in check.
“I’m so sorry,” I whisper in his ear as I feel his blood begin to coat my hand that still holds the knife.
“Don’t be, you saved them when I couldn’t,” he rasps out. I release the blade and grip his face between my hands pushing back until I can meet his gaze. The look of pain and comfort in his eyes kills me. He only feels comfort because he knows his brothers will live thanks to his sacrifice. A lump forms in my throat and tears begin to cloud my vision as I watch his skin slowly turn pale.
“Aunt Meelz was right, I wasted time hiding how I felt because I was scared,” I force out past the lump ignoring the fighting going on around us.
“Don’t say those three words, Omorfia, save them for someone who is worthy of them,” he gasps out.
“You are worthy,” I choke out.
He weakly lifts his hand to cup my cheek and I nuzzle into his touch. “No. I’m not worthy of your love. I was supposed to kill you and save them but then that plan changed when I met you. I fell in love with the daughter of my enemy.” I gasp at his declaration. I feel arms wrap around my waist and yank me back. I scream and fight against the fucker as I watch Artemis slouch forward, the sight of him lying there in his own blood has tears breaking free.
“Artemis, I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry! I love you,” I scream as I’m dragged from the room kicking and screaming, sobs rip out of me.
“Hold on, killer, your dad’s outside.” I still and snap my mouth shut at the sound of Uncle Chaos’s voice. I blink a couple times to clear my vision and that’s when I notice the bodies of Costa’s guards littering the ground around us. I see men dressed in black with masks covering their faces rushing down the concrete hallways. I know they are part of my dad’s crew and begin to relax in my uncle’s hold. As we climb some steps, I realize I was being held in a fucking bunker! A man darts in front of us and shoves the door open for Uncle Chaos to carry me out. He keeps his arm around my waist as he lowers me to my feet and leads me out through some trees. I don’t take in my surroundings I’m too fucked up in the head right now.
“London!” I snap my head up at the sound of my dad’s voice and freeze on the spot at the sight before me. Cronos, Ares, Apollo and Adonis are all on their knees with four men behind them holding guns to the backs of their heads. Dad rushes to me and snags me from my uncle's hold and crushes me against his chest. “Fuck, I thought I lost you.” The worry in his tone is clear. I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his chest soaking up his warmth and comfort.
“Royal, we need to move!” I hear Aunt Sin shout from behind us. Dad reluctantly releases me and runs his gaze over me once before a deep frown mars his forehead.
“Take them with us,” Dad shouts while keeping his eyes on me. I yank free of his hold and rush toward Cronos. The guys try to haul him away but I throw out my hands smacking one right in the nose and the other in the eyes, they both curse and drop their hold on my friend who drops to the ground. I follow him to my knees.
“Are you okay?” The haunted look in his eyes shreds me in half.
“Just let them kill us, if they don’t Costa will.” I frown.
“Costa got away?” Cronos nods and I flop back on my ass.
“London, we need to move now,” my dad barks, snapping me out of it. I look up to see him looming above me and shake my head.
“No. They come with me and I’m not leaving him down there,” I shout as I push to my feet and take a step in the direction of the bunker, but dad snaps his arm out and stops me.
“The bunker is rigged to blow in three minutes, get the fuck in the car.” My dad’s words have my head spinning and I sway on my feet, he wraps his arm around my waist and draws me into his side.
“I can’t leave him,” I scream as he drags me away. I fight with everything I have to get free of his hold but he is unrelenting and clings to me. “Let me go!” I scream.