Page 73 of London Has Fallen
If you want to be on that flight to Mykonos I would be quick.” Her face lights up.
“You convinced dad?”
“No, I overheard a conversation yesterday and someone else convinced me that it was a good idea for you to come, plus it will piss your father off so I’m on board with that.” They both laugh. London shoots me a wink before she rushes inside. I tense as I hear Bishop make his way over to us, stepping through the gap in the chairs. He wears a three-piece suit that fits him perfectly. The title of Don really does suit him. He runs his gaze over me and I can see the clear disdain in his eyes. “I heard the whole conversation between you and my son yesterday.” I drop my gaze to my lap.
“Yeah,” is all I manage to say.
“She is a once in a lifetime type of girl, don’t be a fucking pussy and give into the demands of my son.” I snap my gaze back to him in surprise. “You don’t need the Greek army to stand behind you, all you need is his wife, his mother and me. The fact my granddaughter is free from her room, I would say you have her uncle and aunts on your side?—”
“I broke in, they didn’t help me—” He raises his hand stopping me, I clamp my mouth closed.
“I helped raise those three idiots. I know their tricks and they aren’t as smart as they like to think they are.” I roll my lips over my teeth to keep from smiling. “Know this, Artemis, that girl is all Royal has. He doesn’t have siblings, only his cousins and he is fucking loyal and protective over them. He loves Erika as much as I love his mother but he loves that girl more, as any father should. You are a threat to that and he will fight you at every turn because she is all they will ever have until the day London makes them grandparents.”
I pale. “That is not something?—”
“Calm down, dipshit.” I snap my mouth closed and force myself not to glare at him. “If you got her pregnant now, no one would be able to stop him from killing you, not even Kiara or Erika could stop that.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because unlike my wife who gave me a second chance when I fucked up, London won’t offer that to you. She would rather live with a broken heart then allow you to hurt her and get away with it. She was raised by her cunning aunt, her ruthless uncle, and a bloodthirsty father. She is a product of the way she was raised and we are fucking proud of her for that, but she was also raised by a mother who loves her more than anything in this world, including my son. She has her mother’s heart, when she loves someone she is all in and will die for them. If you break that heart of hers, I’ll fucking break you so choose wisely.” I nod.
“I understand.”
“One last thing.”
“Remember who raised her father, uncle and aunt. I taught them everything they know, if you think going against them is a nightmare, try going against me and you will see the fiery depths of hell if you fuck her over.” Bishop stalks back into the house and I slouch back into my chair.
“Well, good luck to you surviving the day, brother. I’m fucking grateful now that London can tell us apart because I would hate to be mistaken for you.” I scowl at my fucking prick of a brother as he stands and heads inside.
After Bishop and Royal had a showdown out front about London coming with us, which took at least twenty minutes, for Royal to finally concede when London threatened to follow us and give his new G-wagon away. I’m sitting in the back with Chaos while London sits between Kacey and Royal while Chanel rides shotgun and one of Royal’s guys drives. To say the ride is filled with tension is an understatement. I tried to ride with my brothers and Bishop, but Royal threatened to shoot Apollo if I did. Apparently I can’t be trusted alone with his father and he blames me for London being here.
I spy Chaos out of the corner of my eye typing away on his computer. Watching him say goodbye to his wife and daughters was strange. The guy looks like he gives zero fucks about anyone, but the moment he looks at his wife or his daughters his whole aura changes. Unlike Royal and Chaos, Chanel’s man gets to come along.
“Stop watching me,” Chaos growls, breaking the silence in the car for the first time in ten minutes.
“Well, you’re doing that wrong for starters,” I say. He snaps his head in my direction.
“The fuck did you just say?”
I meet his angry stare with one of my own, I’m tired of them throwing their fucking weight around like I’m nothing. “You’re trying to loop the feed on the cameras through Mykonos, you can’t because they are all live feed.”
“How the fuck do you know that?” I can feel Kacey and Royal staring at me but I keep my focus on Chaos.
“Because I’m the one who updated the system and switched out the old shit so no one would be able to do what you are trying to do.”
“What the fuck do you suggest then, dick?” Royal says in a condescending tone. I lazily lull my head to the side to look at him.
“Ask me nicely and I’ll shut down the video feed in the area.”
“Oh my God, are you gonna make my dad beg too?” My eyes widen as I look to London and shake my head. It takes her a second to catch on to what the fuck she just said. Royal, of course, is quicker than her. He tries to launch over the back seat to get to me but Chaos and Kacey fight to keep him back. London has no choice but to leap over to where I am in the car or be squashed by her father and uncle. The second she parks her ass on my lap, I throw my head back and groan.
“You really are fucking with my life, you know that, right?” She scoffs and continues to watch her father seethe and fight against her uncles as she answers.
“Nah, I’m testing out my dad’s heart to make sure it’s strong enough so he doesn’t have a heart attack.”
“Oh, there will be a fucking attack if you don’t get your ass back the fuck over here now!” Royal yells so fucking loud that the driver swerves in fright.