Page 42 of Tainted Souls
“Yes,” her eyes flickered with excitement as she stopped us both and faced me. “She would know that. So why did she tell you to hide it? Don’t you see, Feremir? It is odd that she would ask that. Even Master Leo thought so.”
“Master Leo knew not to question the queen’s orders,” I replied angrily. “You should too.”
Aislinn’s expression tightened. She opened her mouth as if she would object, but then, she closed it.
“Idiot!” She suddenly said. Then, before I could react, she turned from me and stumped away.
I stared behind her and wondered what I had gotten so wrong. Ever since I’d come to the palace and seen Aislinn, I’ve been wanting to talk to her and be close to her. What had gotten into me to make me snap at her so?
She disappeared at the end of the hallway and never looked back once.
I stood there for a second, trying to decide what to do.
I doubted I would be getting any food tonight. Or sleep.