Page 75 of Tainted Souls
Kieran remained hesitant. He reached to grab my hand, and the warmth of his palm seeped through my body, making me relax at once.
“I’m sorry,” I said as the others walked away from the door and came to stand beside my bed too. “I thought it was the only choice... I went into the monster’s mind. When I came back, the monster in me had risen. But I could have stopped it. I thought we had a better chance if I were the monster...”
"Are you feeling better?” Brigid had walked over to the other side of the bed. She held my other hand Her eyes were covered with a thin piece of rag, but she smiled as though she could see me clearly.
“Yes,” I said.
And I was. Even the pain in my back, which had been there for weeks, was gone. Only a tingling sensation remained. “I think sleeping on a bed cured me.”
They seemed doubtful.
“Cari says I won’t turn into a monster again,” I told them. “I am sorry I did not tell you. She was... She was preventing me from saying it out loud.”
“Why are you turning into a monster?” Fiona asked.
“Cari did that,” I told her. “It was the only way to keep our connection.”
“You agreed to that?” Kieran asked.
I hesitated. If I had told them the truth, they would not trust Cari ever again. But I had lied to them too many times. I could not do it again.
“No,” I told him. His expression hardened. “Don’t blame her for it. She is young and trapped. She thought it was her only choice.”
“So she doesn’t speak to you through the monsters around,” Dearen observed. “That was a lie.”
I nodded. “I am sorry. I have kept things from you, but this, this wasn’t my doing. She prevented me from saying it.”
“I believe you,” Kieran said. “You told me you were turning into a monster when you got the chance.”
Of course. I had told him. As soon as I was free of Cari and could, I told him that I was a monster.
“I wouldn’t blame you if you do not want to come with me to save her,” I said. “It is...”
“Out of the question,” Fiona said. “We are all in this.”
There was a momentary silence. Kieran was staring at me as though he wanted to say something. But he did not.
And now that is out of the way, you should get back to coming for me, Cari said.
We will, I told her.
“We should leave as soon as possible,” I said to Fiona and Dearen. “I know a way out of the city.”
“It won’t work,” Dearen said. “They are patrolling the streets at night. Things have changed, Jasmine. Terlyth is too dangerous for us. We have to be very discreet.”
“Then we should go down to eat,” Fiona said.
It made little sense, but Dearen nodded.
“Why?” I asked confusedly. “Wouldn’t it be less conspicuous if we stayed in our room and left early in the morning?”
“No,” Dearen replied. “The innkeeper is suspicious already. He thinks you have a contagious disease since Kieran carried you in here. They might call the guards to check up on us if we don't make an appearance. We should blend in. Go down and eat like all the other patrons.”
“I can make sure no one suspects us once we get down,” Fiona said, cocking her head at me as she saw the expression on my face. “Can you get up?”
“I think so,” I replied.
“Jasmine isn’t well enough to go downstairs,” Kieran said.