Page 119 of Stolen Crown
It took me a moment to understand what was happening. I hadn’t sent that message to the others, and yet, they were all hearing it. They did not need me to send their messages, somehow, they had found a way to speak to each other through me.
The cavalry turned away before long, their numbers had diminished so much that it was futile trying to resist.
The monsters attacked fiercely, knowing I was here to protect their bodies as well as their minds. The cavalry had retreated, but more was coming. The elites fought fiercely, and as I stood at the back and watched everyone, they hurt us.
Every single wound was mine now. But I could only focus on one of them at a time. I healed someone’s arm but had to stop because another had a much graver wound on her temple. It would have caused a concussion if I hadn’t stopped it, but focusing on her took time away from the others.
I could heal them from afar, but they hurt all at once.
I fell to my knees as strength drained out of me.
Don’t be reckless! Leof shouted at the monster folk. Be mindful of yourself like you always would. Jasmine can’t heal us all at once.
They listened. He had spoken to them through me, but I had no way of changing the message even if I wanted to. I didn’t stop just because my legs had given out. As I healed the wound on a girl's head, my hands started to shake.
“Jasmine,” Kieran’s voice reached me from behind, but I could not find the strength to turn around to face him.
“What is it?” Kieran asked. He didn’t know what was happening, but the concern in his voice was clear. He hugged me, and the shaking stopped.
“I’m healing them, Kieran,” I said. “It drains me.”
He hugged me tighter. I didn’t know if it was real, but I felt like I could heal more if he kept hugging me like that.
“We need to hold on for a bit longer,” I told him as I felt Gethin’s relief from afar. “Our portalers reached Gethin. They’ll send the prisoners away.”
“We can hold on,” Kieran said. “Don’t overextend yourself.”
But he didn’t know what was happening inside of me. I saw their demise and any second I spent resting or hesitating, I would not be protecting.
I grabbed his hand and went back to the battle despite the nauseating feeling. Muir was about to be overcome by one of the elites and he was—
Allison fell right then.
Her throat had been cut. She bled so quickly that before I could reach her, she went away, like a candle suffocated by smoke.
I tried to find her with my own eyes.
I could not. She was too far away.
Right then, Leof fell into a ditch. His mind went blank as his head hurt from hitting a stone. I could not tell where he had been either. I had failed to follow him since I’d been focused on Allison.
There were too many of them. Too many to protect at once... Fighting... Dying...
Bryce was fighting against four soldiers. He wouldn’t last long if no one went to help her and there was no one to help him. At least not until...
“You are getting too pale,” Kieran said.
I looked up to meet his gaze. He was blurry. It was almost as though I was losing him too, like I was losing the monster folk.
“Do you remember when we first met?” I asked. “You had... What were you doing there? In the human world? Were you looking for me?”
His gaze on me intensified. I could feel the concern radiating from him even though I was no longer in his mind.
“I think I was,” he said softly.
Efa saw Allison right then. I went to her, watching through her gaze. A moment ago, Allison had been with us, and now, her mind was completely gone. Witnessing her closed eyes and limp body through Efa made it even more real.
Through Efa, I reached Allison. I healed the skin on her neck. Mending the artery was draining; the vascular walls were disintegrating each time I fixed them and her body refused to cooperate, but I had to do it.