Page 123 of Stolen Crown
All would be fine.
Chapter 28: Fiona
Orla did not move.
She lay on the floor of the cell they had put us in, her cheek flat against the cold stone as her eyes remained closed. Her back moved up and down, but her positioning was awkward enough that looking at her made my heart ache.
The soldiers who dragged us in here had not bothered to put up chains around her ankles and wrists.
That wasn’t a good sign.
I could not go to her.
I could not talk to her to tell her that I was to blame for all this.
She was unconscious because she had come back to help me. She was still in this castle because I had insisted that we could prevail against Lugh and Queill. If we had listened to Kieran and escaped when he offered, Orla would be...
Well, Orla was alive. All wasn’t lost yet. I did not know where Kieran was, but that did not mean he was caught.
I could not let despair take over me.
Alas, even with hope, there was nothing I could do now. My magic was blocked. Queill had given me the same potion she had given to Orla and it took away my magic as soon as the first drop was in me. I could no longer feel anyone around me. I had no way of knowing if there was someone just outside the door, feeling things.
I had been in this situation before. For ten years, I had lived without feeling what others felt. And now, I was blind like I had been then. Blind and deaf to emotions that I had been privy to my whole life...
Although I could see and hear everything around me, I felt dull without my magic.
“Orla?” My voice echoed off the walls.
She didn’t stir. Half of her face was on the stone, but the other remained unmoved. She was on the floor a few paces away from me, there was no way to reach her with the chains around my ankles.
I heard the sound of feet shuffling on the other side of the metal door. Someone was there.
“Help!” I raised my voice. “Who are you?”
Whoever it was, they did not bother with a response.
They had simply been surprised to hear me shouting abruptly and that’s why they had moved. But there was no way of knowing that for sure without my powers.
Perhaps they were surprised. Maybe they thought this was funny. Or maybe, whoever it was, they were feeling guilty about guarding me when I had done nothing wrong.