Page 144 of Stolen Crown
Chapter 32: Kieran
The clatter of conjured utensils and the scents of breakfast drifted through the camp. Murmured conversations filled the air, but she heard none of it. She simply stared at the extinct embers before her, deep thoughts reflected in her gaze.
“Good morning,” I said, keeping my voice low as though I had to conform to an unwritten rule about not speaking loudly this early in the morning.
Jasmine jolted in surprise. Her eyes widened as she spotted me, and for a second, I wasn’t sure if she even recognized me.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, sitting beside her.
She pursed her lips for a second before she forced a smile.
“Nothing,” she replied. “I’m finding it difficult to fully wake up this morning.”
She seemed like she hadn’t slept at all, but I did not want to point that out. I nodded and sat beside her.
“How was Fiona?” she asked. “Did you speak to her?”
“I did,” I replied. “She was fine enough to order me around.”
I paused. With anyone else, it would be shameful to admit what I was about to say.
But not with Jasmine...
“She told me to save the realm,” I added.
“She did, didn’t she?” she asked, her gaze drifting away from me for a second. Then, as though she forcefully pulled herself out of a thought, she looked at me. “I’m sorry about your father.”
I knew she was. My chest became heavy as I struggled to find the words. She watched my face. I don’t know what she saw, but a small tear welled up in the corner of her eyes.
She hugged me. I was glad for it since I did not have the words.
We sat hugging for a while. When we parted, her warmth remained.
“The monster folk want to reunite with the others,” Jasmine said after a while. “We should protect the ones we left behind. Most were elderly and children...”
“And I...” I started, but she interrupted me before I could go on.
“You need to go,” she said. “I know. You will save Fiona and the Unseelie from Lugh.”
Our eyes locked.
“I don’t want to leave you,” I said. “But...”
“I don’t want to leave you, either,” she replied. “But I can’t abandon the monster folk. And you... You have things to do. I do too. I need to figure out a way to save my brother from the queen.”
I wasn’t sure if her little brother needed saving. The last time we had seen him, he looked fine standing with the queen. I hoped Jasmine was right and that he had only been pretending.
I nodded.
“We will meet again,” Jasmine said.
“I know,” I replied. “I hope so.”