Page 174 of Stolen Crown
“Igraine...” I whispered. “There is something I have to tell the resistance.”
“You had the rest of the vision?” she asked.
I nodded.
I was surprised when Igraine barked a laugh.
“You would now, wouldn’t you?” she said.
Confused, I waited for her to explain. Igraine shook her head and met my gaze.
“We should tell the others,” Igraine said. “The problem is, the resistance decided to disband itself until further deliberation. We thought we’d lost.”
“Why?” Aislinn asked.
“You know why, girl,” Igraine replied tersely. “Lord Aster knew nearly everyone’s identity. The queen captured Yeen too. They’ll get the monsters soon. And then, the queen will come after the resistance.”
“Maybe Lord Aster won’t tell them,” I said.
“Everyone breaks under torture,” Lady Cara said. “Eventually.”
“That they do,” Igraine replied. “There is no shame in it. We all knew this could happen. The resistance thought we didn’t stand a chance, but if you have the prophecy... Tell me, boy. Do you know who the prophesied one is?”
I hesitated. Telling Aislinn and Igraine was one thing, but I wasn’t sure to spit it out in front of Lady Cara. Then again, Lady Dahlia already knew. And so did the queen.
“I do,” I replied.
“Good,” Igraine said. “You’ll tell the others.”
“You can call them?” Aislinn asked.
Igraine nodded. “We’ll meet them tonight.”
Chapter 42: Jasmine
Muir paced around in the cave, going from one group of scared monster folk to the other, his expression souring with each step.
“How did they get here?” He asked.
“They must have come in from the lake,” a woman, whose name I could not remember now that I was unable to enter her mind said, taking a step forward. I remembered that she was one of the portalers as she continued. “They opened a portal into the lake. The whole army is here.”