Page 19 of Stolen Crown
I turned around to see them all standing inside the cave, trying to adjust to the sudden drop in temperature.
Cari was right, but I did not want to tell her that.
The only reason Gethin was able to open this portal into the waterfall was because Cari had pulled the memory from my mind and had given it to him. Portalers could not open portals into places they had never seen and Gethin had never visited Unseelie lands before today.
“I hope you won’t expect a thanks every time you do something good,” Casja said.
Cari grunted.
I met Casja’s gaze and smiled.
“How did you know about this cave?” Casja asked.
“My father brought me here once on a hunting trip,” I replied.
“Where are we exactly?” Gethin asked.
“Just outside of Qam,” I told him. “We should reach the wall in the evening if we start walking now.”
“And then?” Cari asked. “Are you going to conjure a door like Dearen did?”
“No,” I said. “I cannot do that on my own.”
“Why not?” Cari asked.
I stared at her. “I don’t know how to make stone go away. Dearen did that. I just conjured the door so that he wouldn’t have to focus on that as well.”
Cari stared at me blankly for a second before she nodded thoughtfully.
“How will we enter the city, then?” Gethin asked.
“If Cari can hide us from the guards,” I said. “There is a gate to the North that opens quite often. All we have to do is walk in.”
“Isn’t that a bit risky?” Casja asked.
“Why would it be?” Cari asked. Her brow was raised defensively.
“What if there is a mind magicker at the gate?” Casja asked.
“I can handle them,” Cari replied.
“They might have increased security,” I said.
“I don’t suppose so,” Casja said. When I gave her a questioning look, she continued with an apologetic tone. “Lugh is not worried about us. The Queen of Light is on his side. The monsters are gone.”
“There is no one he fears,” I finished her thought.
“No,” Casja said. “He thinks he’s won, completely.”
“We will see about that,” Gethin said, tightening his fists.
I did not share his confidence. But I hoped he was right.
“Let’s get out of this cave,” Cari said. “It’s cold.”
I almost laughed. She was about to find out what cold really meant.
“I NOW UNDERSTAND WHY the queen thinks you are all monsters,” Cari said as we all stood at the edge of the forest and stared at Qam. “Anyone who thinks it is okay to live in this cold must be evil or stupid.”