Page 4 of Stolen Crown
“You speak as though you know my husband,” mother couldn’t hold her tongue. The woman didn’t reply with words but mother whimpered in agony and the room fell into silence.
“Tell me, Oren,” the woman said. “Tell me what you did.”
“We did nothing,” father replied defensively. “We don’t know where she...”
I heard his painful howl, but not the cause of it.
“You will tell me now,” the woman said calmly. “Or I will kill you both...”
This was my cue. I did not need to change the paths. I could act like I had in my vision and everything would work out like it was supposed to. I had not received this vision to change things. I’d received it to realize them.
I stepped into the light and looked inside. The woman’s back was turned to me, and like I had foreseen, she did not hear or sense me coming in.
Mother’s eyes widened with surprise and joy as she saw me. She did not look like she was harmed, but her face was twisted with pain. She was on the ground, hands lying still on her lap even though she wasn’t tied up. Beside her, Father sat, his head bowed in pain. The woman was occupied in his mind, which was why she hadn’t spotted me through Mother’s gaze.
Pulled from the warmth of their bed, they sat on the floor next to it. They were in their nightgowns, but despite the cold, they did not shake.
They could not move. Not with her, in their minds.
Pity rose in me when Mother smiled.
But I wasn’t here for her.
“She is safe,” I said.
She took immediate control of me. I knew she would. At once, I was stuck within my body, unable to move or say anything lest she let me.
She was older now, but I recognized her easily, even though I hadn’t seen her face in my latest vision. Her brown hair was tied up and it was longer than the first time I’d seen her. The wound on her cheek was healed now, and the remaining scar was faint enough that I would not notice it if I did not know exactly where it was.
“Who are you?” she asked, releasing her hold on me just enough to let me speak. She was in my mind, ready to spot any lies.
“Feremir,” I said. “I’m her brother.”
“You came to save your parents,” she said.
It wasn’t a question. It was an assumption.
“No,” I said. “I came to tell you where Jasmine is.”
Chapter 2: Kieran