Page 45 of Stolen Crown
But she didn’t seem to mind it.
“Of course,” she said. “Be careful.”
I did not reply as I quickly walked away from her, trying to calm my thoughts.
Chapter 11: Kieran
As though my unconscious mind had decided during my sleep to give me the privacy I craved, I had found myself lying sideways and facing the wall when I woke up. My arm was numbed from being stuck underneath my body the whole night, but if I moved, they would know that I was awake.
I did not want that.
Although no one said anything, I could hear someone moving in the room behind me.
It was easy to keep staring at the white wall which was darkened by the fumes emanating from Marlian's potbelly stove. Dark lines of soot marked the plaster, creating shapes. The more I stared at it, the more my mind tried to make sense of them.
I could almost see Fiona’s face within those lines. I could imagine her reaction to my indifference to the future of our kingdom.
She hadn’t budged, and I guess it was stupid of me to think she would. After all, I had been where she was now. I, too, believed in the impossible and the outright unbelievable when no one else had.
But I knew better now. After all, going to the trials as a volunteer to find the secret about it had worked just like I hoped, but we were only in this situation because it had worked. I dug out the secret and that secret destroyed the realm.
Now, our enemies ruled both realms. The monsters were free, but they were forced to hide. Jasmine was lost in the world of dreams. Fiona was trapped in our own home... And father was dead.
Fiona did not see the danger of digging ourselves into a bigger hole by simply trying to solve everything.
I heard the door to the room being opened, but I did not turn around to see who came in.
“Marlian says we best stay here,” Casja said as she closed the door. “She says someone might recognize me or Kieran. But you can go out and explore Qam.”
“I prefer the warmth, thank you,” Cari replied.
“We should rest in case we have to leave soon,” Gethin added.
“Suit yourselves,” Casja replied. “We can eat. Marlian made some pie.”
They were talking in hushed whispers. I tried to close my eyes to fall asleep again, but I’d slept long enough.
I did not get up. I kept staring at the wall as they continued to talk.
“How long do you think before the princess tells us where to go?” Cari asked.