Page 64 of Stolen Crown
I thought he would crush down onto the earth on the other side of the moat. He fell fast and I almost closed my eyes to keep myself from watching the breaking of his bones. But right before he touched the ground, he slowed down a bit, decreasing the impact of his hit.
I watched the man as he got up, dusted himself off, and started walking away from the castle.
This was it.
I did not know who he was or what he was doing outside, but he was our only chance to gather some information.
He was moving quickly and if I did not hurry, he would disappear into the forest in a few moments. I ran down the hill, sliding a bit on the earth toward the end because of my haste. The man did not carry any lights and I could not see him any longer, but I had to reach him before he disappeared.
I needed help.
The gate to Qai's dimension appeared on the ground as he heard my call and came. Like usual, my little friend jumped out of the crevasse he’d ripped open and he was ready to fight.
“We don’t need to fight now,” I told him and felt his confirmation. “I need to find someone. That way.”
I gestured toward the general direction the man would be. Qai did not waste any time, he started running ahead of me as though he knew exactly where to go.
I ran after him and together, we entered the darkness.
CASJA DID NOT MEET my eyes. She was petting Qai’s soft fur, her gaze locked on the light that appeared on the little opening toward the cave entrance. It was our only source of light now that the sun was slowly coming up.
We hadn’t slept all night. Gethin sat completely still on my right, his opened eyes the only clue as to his wakefulness.
No one spoke.
The man screamed.
His voice echoed off the cave walls, reaching us from the deeper part of the cave where he was with Cari.
I turned to Casja to meet her gaze.
“Do you think the sounds will reach the castle?” I asked.
I did not want to make her do anything she did not want to do, but it was a necessity. And like I’d hoped, she came to the decision herself.
She raised her hand and I felt the air around me shifting to follow her command.
“They won’t,” she simply said.
The man screamed again.
“This isn’t right,” Gethin said.
“She isn’t doing anything to him,” I said.
“No,” Gethin replied. “But she’s in his mind. It’s much worse than any physical pain.”
I did not doubt that.
“Maybe we should stop her,” Casja said.
“We can find another way to do this,” Gethin added.
Qai rumbled and shifted onto his back so that Casja could pet his stomach.
“Yes,” I said, getting up. “This is wrong.”
I got up and started to walk to the darker part of the cave, where I knew Cari to be. But before I could reach the dark underbelly of the cave, Cari came back.