Page 66 of Stolen Crown
“No, we won’t,” Cari said. “I’ll handle them.”
“And can you get us in?” I asked Casja.
“I can put air inside the vacuum,” Casja replied.
“That won’t work,” Cari interrupted her. “They were afraid we might be coming and they know you are a tempestarii. The mind magicker is a precaution against me, and they were hoping you put air inside the vacuum and the elementals put up inflammable fire stones in the hallway. If you add air, they’ll light up and they will know there are intruders.”
“Is there any other way inside?” I asked Cari.
“No,” Cari replied. “The air elemental can hide his breath inside his lungs. Casja can do that too I think, but there is no way to share that with the rest of us.”
“Can you figure out a way?” I asked Casja.
She was biting her lips in worry, but she waved her hand at me to let me know she was thinking about it. I turned to Cari.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Cari said. “They also give the prisoners a potion to take away their magical powers. The same one Jasmine’s stepmother gave her. It will take a while before they regain their powers even after we give them the antidote. So they won’t be of any help.”
The mentioning of Jasmine’s name nearly threw me off. It had been a while since I’d received news from her.
I tried not to think about it. Jasmine was safe with the monster folk. And I had to take care of this before I could go back to her.
“That means we cannot get caught,” I said. “We cannot fight the army just the three of us.”
Cari seemed doubtful, but Gethin nodded.
“Cari will hide us from everyone except for the prisoners,” I said. “She’ll also take care of the elite unit. If we can get inside through the vacuum, Gethin can open up portals using the mirrors they have inside.”
“Where will we send them?” Gethin asked.
“To their homes?” I replied.
“I have to know the place,” Gethin said.
I did not have to say it out loud. His gaze became darker as he realized it.
He nodded.
“Cari will connect our minds so I’ll see where they want to go,” Gethin said.
“Yes,” I said.
“It appears I’m very much needed for the success of this mission,” Cari said.
It wasn’t the best time to brag. Gethin’s posture changed so quickly that I thought he would attack the girl.
“You are not repentant about what you did, at all, are you?” he asked, anger making his nostrils flare. “All of us suffered because of you and you don’t even care.”
“Why should I?” Cari snapped. “I was a prisoner, just like you.”
Gethin glared at her.
“This is not useful,” I told him, putting my hand on his shoulder to try to calm him down before he could say more. “She is helping us now. I won’t insist that you forget about it completely, but can you work with her until this is over?”
He nodded.
I turned to Cari to see if she would keep arguing still. She didn’t seem like she would. No. She looked...
“Are you cold?” I asked her.