Page 80 of Stolen Crown
Chapter 17: Kieran
Icouldn’t breathe.
And somehow, that wasn’t a problem at all.
“You can talk,” Casja said, her voice echoing off the walls of the cave. “Just don’t do it once we are inside the castle because it will destroy the vacuum.”
“This feels weird,” Cari said behind me.
“I agree,” I whispered and immediately regretted it.
Talking made it much worse. I could feel the air moving on my tongue and between my teeth, but I did not take any air in to replace the one I lost by talking. It was almost like talking underwater, but with a constant supply of air to replenish what was lost.
Gethin nodded. He did not say anything, as though he did not want to experience the odd sensation.
Cari didn’t seem to share that concern at all.
“So?” She asked. “Is it time?”
“Yes,” I replied. “It’s dark enough that they won’t see. We can’t wait any longer, they’ll start looking for the air elemental soon."
We had spent the day making a plan to enter the castle and now, the sun was gone and the moons were up.
Casja would fly us over the wall. She had given us the air we would need to breathe, which meant the vacuum would not be a problem unless one of us forgot and decided to talk once we were inside. Then, Cari’s mind magic hiding us from the guards, we would reach the prisoners and Gethin would use the portals inside the prison to help them escape.
My only task was to talk to the prisoners to persuade them to trust us since I was the only one they knew. I didn’t even know if they still trusted me after my failures, but I hoped they would.
“What will we do with him?” Casja asked, gesturing to the back of the cave.
“We can kill him,” Cari offered. “I never did it myself but...”
“We won’t kill him,” I said. I couldn’t help but examine her closely to see if she was making a bad joke or being serious. It was impossible to tell. “We will leave him here. Hopefully, they’ll find him after we’re gone.”
“What if he finds a way to escape before we are in the clear?” Casja asked.
I was surprised. I couldn’t imagine Casja wanting to kill the man.
“He won’t,” Cari said. “He’s unconscious.”
There was a loaded pause. I did not want to imagine the man’s condition and I was certain the others felt that way too.
“Let’s go then,” I said, pushing away the guilt. “It’s time.”
We left the cave and entered the cold night. The moons were gone still, which was lucky on our part. There were still a few hours to midnight, but it was dark enough.
“We don’t need to go in at night,” Cari said. “I can hide us in light as well.”
“It’s better to be cautious,” I replied. “If something happens to you, Casja can use her fog to put up a cloak around us.”
“What could happen to me, Dark Prince?” Cari asked. “Are you planning to stab me in the back?”
She did not sound like she was joking.
“Why would I do that?” I asked.