Page 19 of Plan Interrupted
“It’s nice to meet you, too.”
A member of the wait staff interrupted their conversation to inform them it was time to take their seats at the dinner tables. Saved.
Once everyone was seated, Sam stood and welcomed the guests to the Christmas party. Then Joe stood alongside him and did a welcoming speech of his own, and continued on with the usual ‘thanks for another well done year’ speech.
Elizabeth was taken aback by how polished a speaker he was, and how sincere he seemed when he handed out the company awards. She couldn’t believe this was the same guy who lived next door to her and who normally dressed in jeans and a pocketed T-shirt covered up with an unbuttoned flannel shirt.
Joe wrapped up the program, indicating to the wait staff that dinner could be served. Much to her surprise, it was a wonderful meal starting with the salad, moving on to surf and turf, and finally for dessert, turtle cheesecake. Against her better judgment, she ate every morsel on every plate.
She’d glanced at Joe several times during dinner. He sat quietly, pushing the food around on his plate. He looked uncomfortable as could be. Every now and then Sam would say something to him and he would nod. Why did he look so troubled? His speech went well. Everyone applauded when he was done. Was it her? Did he really hate having her along? He looked fine when he was mingling earlier. She should have never let Holly talk her into coming along.
Elizabeth allowed the wait staff to pour her a second glass of champagne. Perhaps that would calm her nerves.
Joe stared down at the lobster on his plate. His stomach felt queasy. He was sure if he ate or drank anything he would throw up.
He glanced around the room expecting everyone to be staring at him and his date. Nobody did; they just ate and visited with one another. Anxiety over wondering what everyone thought about him being at the party with another woman made his stomach flop.
Sam leaned toward him. “Snap out of it there, buddy. You look like you’re about to die, and your date looks bored stiff. Loosen up, talk to her, and have some fun tonight.”
Joe sighed heavily. “You just don’t understand.”
“You’re right. I don’t. But what I do know is that it’s time for you to move on with your life. I’m sorry, but Amanda’s not coming back.” Sam sighed. “I just want you to be happy.”
“I know.”
* * * *
Once the dinner tables were cleared, the DJ began to play, and people started to dance. Elizabeth and Holly took a seat at a small table and sipped on champagne as Joe and Sam visited with their guests.
Still amazed by the number of people at the party, Elizabeth looked to her friend for an explanation. “I thought Joe once told me he and Sam owned a small architectural firm. There are quite a few people here for a small firm, and they seemed to spare no expense on this party.”
“I think Joe likes to stay on the ‘down low,’ but it’s my understanding the firm has been doing pretty well—Sam told me at one time that they have about twenty or so, employees. He also said Joe used to go to the office regularly, but since his wife died, he does most of his work from home so he can be there for the kids. Sam’s hoping when Molly starts school full-time next year, he’ll find his way back to the office. But for now, it’s working I guess.”
“I wonder why he just doesn’t hire a nanny so he could continue working at the office.”
“According to Sam, he felt so guilty about the kids not having their mother around he just couldn’t bear to do that. He’s tried to spend every waking moment he could with the kids to make up for it. My heart goes out to him.”
Odd, especially for a man, that he’d sacrifice his career for his kids. Interesting or brave, she wasn’t sure which. She pondered that thought as Holly’s gaze found her boyfriend.
“Here comes my little stud muffin,” Holly said as she flashed her flirtatious smile at Sam who returned hers with his killer smile.
“Sorry, Elizabeth, but I need to steal my little queen here for a dance,” Sam said as he extended his hand toward Holly and whisked her off to the dance floor.
Elizabeth sat alone at the table, but only briefly before Rita, sat herself down. “So, you’re Joe’s neighbor.”
“Doesn’t he have a wonderful family? Aren’t those kids the cutest little things? He’s doing such a good job raising them all on his own, don’t you think?”
Where is she going with this?
“I don’t really know. I haven’t actually known him all that long,” Elizabeth stammered.
“Really, well, exactly how long have you been dating?” The woman’s inquisitive gaze bore into her.
Elizabeth’s spine tensed. “Oh no, ma’am, we’re not dating. We’re just neighbors. You know, friends.”