Page 24 of Plan Interrupted
This time he walked all the way back to the bed, knelt beside her, and aligned his gaze with hers. “What is it?”
She stared into his eyes for a moment before she spoke. “Thank you for being honest and kind to me. No one else is.”
“It’s my pleasure.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips lightly to her forehead. “Sweet dreams.” He stood and walked away.
Her skin tingled where his lips had touched. Within seconds, the sensation spread throughout her body.
As she watched him walk away, she debated asking him to stay, but then the rational side of her took over and reminded her that he wasn’t part of ‘The Plan’ right now. And if and when a man became part of ‘The Plan,’ she wasn’t sure a whole ready-made family would fit ‘The Plan.’
She pushed the rational voice out of her head and again considered asking him to stay.
Would he consider it? No, I’m sure he still thinks I’m some sort of socially inept snob.
Joe quickly crossed Elizabeth’s yard to his. He looked down at his cold, wet, stocking feet. Shoes would have been nice for walking through the freshly fallen snow.
He entered his house through the garage, walked through the utility room, and directly into the kitchen where Mrs. Marsh sat at the table working on a crossword puzzle.
“Hi. How were the kids for you tonight?”
“Wonderful as always. They went to sleep early so my guess is they will be up early for you in the morning. No rest for the weary,” she said with a smile. “Oh, by the way, I whipped up an egg bake for you and the kids to have for breakfast. It’s in a pan in the refrigerator. All you have to do is pop it in the oven for 30 minutes at 350 and you should be set.”
He smiled at the kind old woman. “Thank you, that’s great. What would I do without you always looking after me and the kids?”
Mrs. Marsh stood and pulled her coat from the back of the chair and slipped it on. “You’re like a son to me, and your kids are like my grandchildren. On one hand, I dread the day you meet a nice woman and fall in love and don’t need me any longer. But on the other, I pray you do so I can see you smile again.”
His smile grew and he nodded in acknowledgment at the kind lady who was indeed like a mother to him, and a grandmother to his children. She had eased into that role a couple of years back when his mother passed away. The two women had been the best of friends for years, and after his mother’s death, he felt the need to keep the connection active between her and his family. She reminded him so much of his mother.
Mrs. Marsh took notice of his wet stocking feet. She shifted her gaze to his eyes and flashed an inquisitive look.
He chuckled. “Don’t ask. It’s a long story.”
“It’s none of my business, dear, but I hope it was fun,” she commented as she turned and headed out the front door.
Oh it was fun alright. He nearly chuckled aloud at a glimpse of his wet feet.