Page 29 of Plan Interrupted
He reached into the refrigerator, retrieved an onion, and handed it to her. “We’re having chili tonight, so you could chop the onion while I start frying the hamburger.” He pointed at the cutting board and knife block.
She was chopping the onion when Max surfaced in the kitchen and immediately began setting the table. He explained to her that setting the table was his job, and that his sister doesn’t help because she’s too young.
Joe shot her a glance. “I’ll be right back. I need to see what Molly’s up to.
He returned with an armload of clothes. “I just need to throw these in the washer,” he said as he walked through the kitchen and into the utility room.
Hmm, he cooks, he cleans, and he does laundry. Is there anything he doesn’t do?
Joe returned and served up the chili. As they ate dinner, the kids talked about what they were learning in school. She couldn’t help but notice how they had their dad’s undivided attention.
Molly talked about how she was learning to print her letters, and Max talked about how he was now reading chapter books. She couldn’t believe how excited they were about being able to do these simple tasks.
After they finished eating Joe informed her that it was bath night and he would need to attend to the kids. Reluctance sounded in his voice. She heard what he said, but wasn’t ready to leave yet. She was having more fun than she ever remembered having in her entire life.
Her mind raced to find a reason to stay without imposing too much. “Let me help you. I’ll clean up the kitchen while you give the kids their baths.”
His surprised gaze swept over her. The corners of his mouth lifted. “Sounds like a good plan.” He turned and headed down the hall.
She was nearly finished in the kitchen when she heard the quick, short steps of Max and Molly drawing closer.
“Good night, Ms. Shaw!” Max yelled as he flew through the kitchen in his Batman pajamas. The cape flapped in the air.
Molly followed, but stopped in front of her. She extended her arms toward her as if she wanted to be picked up. Elizabeth stared down at her wondering exactly what to do. The girl’s sweet, dark-eyed gaze drew her in and instinct took over. She bent down and scooped the little girl up into her arms.
As quick as could be, Molly gave her a peck on the cheek. “Good night, Ms. Shaw.” Then she squirmed out of her arms.
Elizabeth stood there for a moment, staring at the floor where she’d set Molly down, processing what had just happened. She hadn’t recalled ever being kissed by a child before. She placed her hand over her swelling heart. Her core warmed, and an aura of complete contentment surrounded her.
Joe smiled at Elizabeth. He liked what he saw. She was softening right before his eyes. He knew all along there was more to her than what met the eye. Simultaneously, panic also set in. His kids were taking to her, and he didn’t know if that was such a good thing. What would happen in the future if his relationship with her didn’t work out? He didn’t want his kids to grow too attached to someone and then have them leave, which was sure to happen with Elizabeth. She would leave someday for her big job promotion in New York. After all, it was part of her plan, and he knew how driven she was to stick to the plan and meet her goals.
The dryer buzzer snapped him back into reality.
“I’ll be right back. I need to tuck the kids in, and then I have to fold those clothes.”
Before Elizabeth could respond, he turned and headed down the hall toward the kids’ bedrooms. Gripped by a compelling need to help him out, she emptied the clothes from the dryer, and transferred the next load from the washer to the dryer. She took the laundry basket full of the clean dry clothes, set it on the kitchen table, and stared at the clothes. I suppose I could fold them for him. She thought about it a bit more. But what if there’s a pair of boxers or something in there, then what? It crossed her mind to plunge her hands into the basket to find out. Good God, what in the hell is wrong with me?
“Are you okay, Elizabeth?”
She flinched. “Yes, why do you ask?”
Joe paused, studying her. “You look flushed.”
If he could read her thoughts he’d surely know why.
“The spicy chili made me warm.” She gave herself a mental head slap. The chili? The chili wasn’t even spicy. Why am I such an idiot around him? Ugh!
“Thanks for switching the clothes. You didn’t have to.” He smiled.
She shrugged in response. “No problem.”
“I’m going to have a beer. Would you like a glass of wine or something?” he asked as he reached into the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of Miller Lite.
Elizabeth chuckled. “I think I’m done with alcohol. But I am kind of thirsty. Exactly how many pairs of shoes do you own?”