Page 33 of Plan Interrupted
“Yeah, but he doesn’t do it right,” the young girl replied as she shook her head.
The annoyed expression on her face caused Elizabeth to want to know more. “What do you mean, he doesn’t do it right?”
“He puts them in crooked and sometimes they don’t match.” Her tone rang with irritation.
The girl was so dead serious with her comment Elizabeth couldn’t help but laugh inside. “Well, maybe someday I can fix your hair and put the ribbons in. I’ll make sure they match.”
When she said the word, ribbon, for about the third time, Molly’s little face lit up. “Ribbon starts with “R,” too.”
“Yes, excellent job.” Pride swept through her. She reached out and took the little girl’s hand. “Let’s go tell your daddy how well you did with your homework.”
The child’s endearing smile was heartwarming.
Max was zipping his backpack when they entered the kitchen. Molly excitedly told her dad she was finished with her homework.
Joe scooped up his daughter and kissed her on the cheek. “Let’s get you ready for bed.” He glanced at Elizabeth. “I’ll just be a minute.”
Max followed them down the hall.
From the kitchen, she eavesdropped on Joe as he tucked the kids into bed. The sincere exchange of ‘I love you’ between them tugged at her heart, and made her want to be a part of something so special.
After the kids were settled in, and the supper dishes done, she and Joe retreated to the living room where she took a seat on the couch, hoping he’d sit next to her. She watched as his gaze flashed back and forth between the couch and his recliner. He found his way to the recliner. Disappointment rippled through her. Why the recliner?
“Thanks for helping Molly with her homework. She really seems to enjoy your company,” he said with a satisfied smile.
“She’s such a cute and polite little girl. I still can’t believe you do all this by yourself. I don’t know how you find the time to manage the house, take care of the kids, and work.”
He snickered. “Well, I do feel rushed a lot. Maybe that’s why I can’t seem to put the ribbons in Molly’s hair correctly.”
She raised a brow. “You were eavesdropping on us girls.”
He winked at her. “Guilty as charged.”
She willed him to wink at her again. The rush that followed that simple gesture was absolutely glorious.
Joe rose from his recliner. “I’ll be right back, I just want to check on the kids and see if they’re sleeping yet.”
Elizabeth kicked off her shoes, slid sideways on the couch, and stretched out her legs. Once comfortable, she flipped on the TV to the Weather Channel.
“Looking to see how your flight is going to be tonight?” Joe asked as he stepped back into the room.
He lifted her legs and slid underneath them. “And how are your little piglets tonight? Are they cold?” he asked as he wrapped his big warm hands around her toes.
“They are cold. I don’t think they’ve warmed up yet from the snowman building episode.”
His skilled hands relaxed her, and her mind drifted to thoughts of what his hands would feel like elsewhere on her body.
The brush of his hand to her cheek knocked her out of her reverie. Her gaze focused on his mouth. She wanted to press her lips to his, and yearned to know how they would feel against hers. His touch nearly scorched her cheeks. She closed her eyes and leaned closer to him. The warmth of his minty smelling breath washed over her face. He gently brushed his lips across hers sending her heart into overdrive. After pausing slightly, he did it again.
If her heart pounded any harder it would break her chest cavity. She parted her lips slightly, allowing his tongue to pass through. His hot hands slid slowly from her cheeks to her neck. She wrapped her arms around him to draw him closer. His body tensed under her burning fingertips. His breath caught, and he paused for a couple of beats before his soft lips found their way back to hers.
His minty flavor and clever lips seduced her. All control was lost. She knew she couldn’t stop kissing him even if she wanted to. His tongue floated across hers, smoother than anything she’d ever encountered before, smoother than the finest chocolates.
His kiss turned intimately possessive, as if he was telling her that her lips were made for him, and only for him. Unleashed desire throbbed in her most delicate places. A kiss just didn’t seem like enough.
He pulled his lips from hers, sending a wave of disappointment crashing through her.