Page 38 of Plan Interrupted
Oh for crying out loud, I’ll see her tonight when she gets home.
He made himself some coffee, then proceeded to make breakfast for himself and the kids.
Joe glanced at his watch again, as he’d done regularly since the early morning hours. It was 10:00 a.m. Still no word from her. Worry consumed him. Why hadn’t she called? Finally, he picked up his phone and dialed her cell number. He got her voicemail.
“Hi Elizabeth. Joe here. Just calling to see how your party went. Give me a call. Bye.”
He went through the motions of a typical Saturday, straightening up the house and entertaining the kids. Early in the afternoon, his sister and her family stopped by. Jim took the kids outside to play while Angelina fed the baby and visited with him.
His sister eyed him. “What’s up with you?”
“Nothing. Why do you ask?”
“Well, for one thing, you seem very preoccupied today. You’re pacing around, and you keep staring at the phone like you’re waiting for the most important call of your life.”
Joe sighed. He wanted to talk to someone about his relationship with Elizabeth but he wasn’t sure how to broach the subject. He feared how his family would feel about him letting another woman into his life, and the lives of his kids. His feelings for Elizabeth were so strong they scared the hell out of him, and he wondered what that would do to his family. They all had loved Amanda so much.
“Tell me, what’s going on. You have me worried. Is everything okay with you and the kids?”
He stopped pacing and took a seat at the kitchen table across from his sister. As he raked his hand through his hair, he debated how to start.
Angelina reached across the table and rested her hand gently on his forearm. “You need to tell me what’s on your mind.”
He looked directly into his sister’s concerned eyes. “I think I’m in love.” He shook his head. “No, I know I’m in love with Elizabeth.”
Angelina sat quietly. Her silence made him uncomfortable. He needed to fill the air.
“I know this wasn’t what you were expecting to hear, and I know you probably don’t think she’s...well she’s...”
During the slight pause he took to gather his thoughts, his sister interjected. “She’s what?”
His mind reeled for the right words. “There’s more to her than what meets the eye. I see a soft, caring side to her that most people don’t see. I know she has a difficult time showing it, but I’ve seen it, and it’s wonderful.”
He could tell from the surprised look on Angelina’s face that he caught her off guard. Not once, not in the almost five years since Amanda’s passing, had he ever even considered being with another woman, and now here he sat telling his sister he was in love with Elizabeth, a woman he hadn’t known but for a few months.
Angelina’s eyes transitioned from concern to happy, and her mouth drew into a soft smile. “That’s great you’re in love. I’m truly happy for you. You deserve nothing but the best.”
He was both relieved and thrilled by the support from his sister, which made him want to talk even more about his relationship with Elizabeth. “The whole thing kind of scares the hell out of me because of the kids and all, but I can’t help feeling the way I do.”
“Exactly how is she with the kids? She doesn’t seem to have a lot of experience in that category.”
Joe chuckled. “You’re right, she doesn’t. But it has been really interesting watching the progression. Max hasn’t displayed any like or dislike for her, but I’m pretty sure Molly thinks she walks on water.”
“How did that come about?” Angelina asked.
He told her how Elizabeth had spent some time with him and the kids lately. He mentioned to her how they played outside in the snow, picked out the Christmas tree, and most importantly, how Elizabeth helped Molly with her homework.
“I know you probably find it hard to believe, but she’s been a quick study when it comes to Molly.” Joe beamed proudly.
His sister’s smile widened. “I’m glad you’re happy. We all just want you and the kids to be happy.”
“Oh, by the way, I invited Elizabeth to spend Christmas Day with us. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not a problem. We’re happy to have her. What about the rest of her family? Have you met any of them?”
“She doesn’t talk about her family much. It sounds like it’s only her and her parents, who are traveling around Europe right now. I don’t think they spend much time with her, even when she was a child. I think she was mainly placed in the care of a nanny. Unfortunately, it appears that love and family have not been a big part of her life.” A hint of melancholy crept over him as he thought about how empty Elizabeth’s childhood must have been. But was it really? He couldn’t possibly know for sure. No, he knew by the comments she made at times, her childhood had been lonely. He snapped out of his reverie and continued on, telling his sister about how Elizabeth had never decorated a Christmas tree before this year or watched Christmas specials such as the Grinch.
Angelina smiled softly. “She’s is very lucky, because now that she’s entered your heart, she’ll never lack love and family again. Where is she by the way? I’d like to spend some time getting to know her.”