Page 40 of Plan Interrupted
Immediately upon returning home, Joe checked his voice messages and was relieved to find one from Elizabeth, at least until he listened to it. There was something terribly wrong with her voice. It wasn’t just that it was hoarse, there was something in the tone that worried him. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he knew she wasn’t physically sick...perhaps mentally exhausted?
She had a couple of long days. Maybe she just needs some rest.
The next morning, Joe saw the kids off to school and had begun work in his home office when his phone rang.
“Hi, Joe, this is Jody. Did you see or speak with Elizabeth this morning, or yesterday?”
“No, I didn’t. I tried calling her yesterday, but got her voicemail. Is something wrong?”
“I’m not sure. I just tried calling her at her office to see if she was feeling better, and they told me she called in sick. She never calls in sick. So then I tried calling her house phone and her cell phone, and she isn’t answering either one. I’m worried about her. She looked like hell yesterday. Maybe she went to the doctor or something. Can you go check on her? I’d do it myself but I have back-to-back client appointments this morning.”
“Yeah, I’ll take a run over there and see if she’s home.” Panic shot to his core at the speed of light.
He quickly threw on his jacket and trotted over to Elizabeth’s and knocked on the front door.
No answer.
He could see her SUV through the garage windows. Assuming she was home, he knocked again but this time a little harder, and longer. After a brief moment, the front door slowly cracked opened.
Elizabeth stood there in her baby blue flannel pajamas, and as Jody had mentioned, she truly looking like death warmed over. His breath caught. Her milky white skin had taken on a cold, hard gray color, and her usual fluffy brown curls stuck flatly to her head as if she had been in bed for a week. Her lips, her beautiful, soft, full lips that joined with his only days ago, were cracked and flakey. And her iris’, they’d turned from bright emerald green to some sort of opaque forest green. Large dark circles accented her sunken eyes.
“Are you okay? Jody said she’d tried to reach you but you weren’t at work, and you didn’t answer your phone,” Joe said as he stepped into the entryway.
“Yeah, I’m just not feeling well. I didn’t hear the phone ring. I must have been sleeping.” Her response came hoarse and breathy, and her gaze seemed to land anywhere but on him.
“I’m sorry that I woke you. We were just worried.”
“It’s okay.”
“Don’t take this wrong, but you really look ill. Have you been to the doctor?”
“No, it’s just the flu or something. I’ll be okay with a little rest, don’t worry.”
“Is there anything I can do for you?” His heart went out to her. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her, and make it all better, just like he did when Molly scraped her knee, but unfortunately, he knew that wouldn’t work here.
Elizabeth shook her head.
“Would it be okay with you if I at least check back with you around lunchtime? I can bring you something to eat if you’re hungry,” he insisted as he stepped out of the house.
She nodded.
Joe walked across her yard. His stomach knotted as he glanced back over his shoulder. Why wouldn’t she look at him? And what was with the barely cracked door at first? It was almost as if she didn’t want to let him into her home.
His chest tightened, something was definitely wrong with her, more than the flu bug. He didn’t have any idea what the problem was, but he knew it wasn’t good.
He phoned Jody as soon as he got back into his office to let her know that Elizabeth was home resting. Then he proceeded to work and watch the slow tick of the second hand. He willed the clock to strike noon.
After Elizabeth shut the door behind Joe, tears stung her weary eyes. The questioning look she caught in his gaze during the millisecond she allowed their gazes to meet, alerted her to the fact he didn’t fully believe her ‘flu’ story. Regardless, she just couldn’t bring herself to tell him the truth, or anyone else for that matter. What would everyone think if they knew? And Joe? She shivered. He would hate her, and she couldn’t bear the thought. She sucked in a deep breath. I must be strong and just find a way to put this behind me.
She lay in the fetal position on her bed, her quilt pulled tightly around her neck until a repetitive tapping noise caused her to lift her head from her pillow. Joe’s frame filled her bedroom doorway.
“I knocked, but you didn’t answer. The door was unlocked, so I let myself in.”
She pushed herself up into a seated position. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you.”