Page 42 of Plan Interrupted
“Will do. Get some rest and I’ll check on you in the morning.” Joe edged forward and kissed her on the forehead. His lips were warm and comforting. He probably hadn’t a clue as to how soothing his kiss was, let alone his simple presence.
The following day she and Joe went through the same routine as the day before. She called in sick, and he checked on her during mealtime. Though her spirit lifted when he came around, it plummeted when he left. Perhaps the alone-time was the problem, enabling her to rehash in her mind the ugly event that occurred in New York.
She glanced at her reflection in the mirror on her dresser. Her eyes seemed to sink further into her head with each tick of the second hand, and the gray hue covering her cheeks darkened. She knew she needed to snap out of it before all was lost—Joe, the kids, work—but she just couldn’t shake the depression.
Chapter Fifteen
Late in the morning, on Wednesday, Christmas Eve day, Joe visited Elizabeth. He’d brought her some scrambled eggs and toast, which he again served to her in the bedroom. During this visit, he found himself somewhat relieved as she seemed a little more talkative, and was actually starting to look better. Her eyes weren’t quite so dark and flat, and her skin tone displayed a softer, lighter shade of gray.
“It looks like you’re feeling a little better today.”
Elizabeth half-smiled. “I am.”
“If you feel up to it, why don’t you come over and have supper with me and the kids. They would love to see you.” He urged, trying to motivate her to get out of bed and return to the living.
Her eyes sparked up a bit as she considered his offer, but as quickly as they brightened, they faded again.
“I don’t know, maybe.” She slid back down on the bed and pulled the covers up around her neck.
He returned home and busied himself in the kitchen most of the afternoon preparing the pumpkin and pecan pies he would be bringing to Angelina’s for the Christmas Day celebration. Max and Molly bounded with excitement and talked about Santa Claus the entire day.
Supper came and went, without a word from Elizabeth. Though he hoped she would have felt well enough to get out of bed and come over, he wasn’t really surprised by her no-show.
After packing up some food, he and the kids trekked over to her house. He was pleased to find her curled up on the couch watching TV, rather than in bed.
Molly shed her boots and immediately ran toward her, but as she neared her, utter shock and concern washed over his daughter’s little face. He assumed it was a direct result of Elizabeth’s ill looking appearance. Max hung back.
“Hi, Ms. Shaw. We brought you some food,” Molly informed her.
“Thanks, that’s nice of you,” Elizabeth replied as she pushed herself into a seated position.
Joe pointed to the loveseat opposite the couch. “Why don’t you guys sit over there and quietly watch TV while Ms. Shaw eats her dinner.”
He handed Elizabeth the plate of food and took a seat next to her. When she finished the roast, potatoes, and carrots, she simply set her fork down on the empty plate and left it resting on her lap.
She ate everything. That has to be a good sign.