Page 55 of Plan Interrupted
Joe was truly thrilled his children liked Elizabeth, and she liked them, yet it scared him to death they were becoming attached to her, knowing she may someday go back to New York. But he couldn’t help wanting her to be a part of their lives.
Elizabeth entered the kitchen just as he removed her supper from the microwave. She took a seat at the table and ate as he watched her, and made small talk with her, about work and the kids.
She looked up from her plate. “How was your day?”
“No, Joe. How was your day? What did you work on? Tell me about your projects. Tell me what you’re up to and how you feel?”
The cat caught his tongue.
She continued. “You know everything there is to know about me. You take care of everyone’s needs, no questions asked, family, friends, employees, neighbors. I want to know what you need, and how you feel.”
He stared into her beautiful, bright green eyes and smiled. Where did this angel seated across the table come from? Here she was going through what was probably the worst situation she’d ever endured in her life, and she worried about what he needed.
“You know what, I’m surrounded by family and friends I love, and who love me. I have exactly what I want. I don’t know what I did to deserve it, but I have it all,” he replied, holding back the one little item he didn’t have but wanted. Her, in his life forever. But unfortunately, due to her recent situation, the timing was off. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold off from having her, but he wanted to make sure she was ready when the time came.
“So like you,” she mumbled.
“What do you mean by that?”
She shook her head. “Nothing, I’ve just never met anyone like you before.”
Again, what did that mean? He was afraid to press her for further clarification, fearing she’d shut down if he pushed too hard.
“Elizabeth, would you like to go out for New Years? Sam mentioned today that he and Holly and Jody and Matthew are going to go out to dinner. Maybe we should join them.”
“Sounds like fun. We should.” Her reply followed quickly by a yawn.
“Long day?”
“Yeah, I’m beat. First day back and all.”
“Thanks for dinner. It was really good.”
“You’re welcome.”
Elizabeth rose from her chair and headed for the entryway. He held her coat as she slipped into it, and then she spun and faced him. He tilted his head down before catching himself. He wanted to kiss her, but was afraid to, not knowing how she would feel about it since her incident. Her eyes looked as though she was calling him in, but he wasn’t one hundred percent sure. He’d been out of the game for a while, doubt shadowed over him.
“Yeah.” His face was so close to hers the warmth of her breath washed over his cheeks.
“Why...uhm...never mind,” she stammered before she simply turned and walked out the door.
I’m such an idiot. I should have kissed her, reassured her.