Page 59 of Plan Interrupted
After taking a couple of deep calming breaths, she opened the door and welcomed them into her home. She looked at Mr. James but refused to make eye contact with Patrick.
The men followed her into the living room where she took a seat on the chair and gestured for them to sit on the couch. She offered them some tea which she had set on the cocktail table shortly before they arrived. They accepted. She poured Mr. James’ cup and handed it to him, then she filled Patrick’s cup. The cup clinked against the saucer. She quickly set it down before the liquid sloshed over the side. Pull it together.
Elizabeth clasped her shaky hands together and rested them on her lap. “So, to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“We just thought we’d visit the Chicago office and see how everything is going for you here. I want to make sure my little protégé is happy.”
“Everything is wonderful here. Mr. Kent is excellent to work for, and he’s really taking the time to show me the ropes.”
As she spoke to Mr. James and Patrick she felt as if they were studying her, looking at her strangely, and appeared to be completely absorbed by her. Her comfort level plummeted, as if that was even possible at this point. Needing a distraction, she focused on her cup of tea as her quivering hand lifted it to her lips.
“Elizabeth, are you okay? You look a little peaked yet. I understand you were out of the office for a couple of days with the flu.”
“I’m sorry about that. I’ve never really been sick before. It took its toll on me,” she replied, as she simultaneously broke out into a cold sweat. Her stomach swirled more vigorously with each tick of the clock.
“Excuse me,” Elizabeth said as she quickly stood, threw her hand over her mouth, and headed toward the bathroom, hardly making it to the toilet before the entire contents of her stomach came up into her mouth. She gagged and hurled as quietly as she could, but she was sure they could hear her.
When she finished puking, she splashed her face with water and returned to her guests in the living room. They were quietly talking to each other, and judging from the guilty looks on their faces, she knew they were intentionally hiding their conversation from her.
Mr. James rose from his seat. “I’m sorry we bothered you at home. I can see you’re still not feeling well. We’ll leave now so you can get some rest, and if you feel better tomorrow we’ll touch base with you at the office.”
She took a deep breath in an attempt to calm both her nerves and her stomach. “That might be best. I’ll see you out.”
The second the men exited her house her nerves began to settle down and her stomach stopped tossing. She stared at the limo as it drove away, contemplating why they looked at her so strangely, and again, if Mr. James had any idea what his nephew had done to her. Her thoughts turned to Patrick. How could he show his face to her, especially at her private home? Did he feel remorse for what he had done to her or did he not care?
The next morning, Elizabeth rose early in an attempt to get to the office before Mr. James, Patrick, and Mr. Kent, but the three of them were already seated in her boss’ office by the time she arrived.
Taking advantage of the fact they didn’t appear to notice her presence, she quietly stood in her office doorway eavesdropping on their conversation from down the hall.
“As soon as she gets here I’m going to talk to her about returning to New York as soon as possible. She’s needed more in that office, rather than here,” Mr. James stated.
“She isn’t ready yet. Plus, she’s closing in on obtaining some more municipal clients here, which could, in the long run, help her to get her foot in the door of the municipal market when she does return to the New York office,” Mr. Kent replied.
“No, she’s ready, and you’re perfectly able to handle the municipal market issue.”
“We all know she’s a stellar employee, and perfectly capable of being groomed for a higher position within the company, but she needs more time here to learn the ropes. And don’t forget, you’re the one that sent her here for further grooming.” Mr. Kent reiterated in an unusually stern tone for him. And if Elizabeth didn’t know any better, she’d swear a hint of anger was alive in his voice as well.
More conversation occurred that she couldn’t quite make out before she heard the slam of a fist against the desk.
“You can’t take her back to New York. You can’t do that to her now. You’re lucky she hasn’t...”
Hasn’t what? Elizabeth asked herself as apprehension coiled the length of her spine, and nausea seized her stomach.
She waited impatiently for the rest of Mr. Kent’s words. None came. Did the complete desperation in his voice choke him silent, or had he suddenly thought better about what he was going to say?
“Kent, don’t overstep your boundaries. It wouldn’t be good for you or your career. What do you have left? A couple of years to reach your retirement and cozy pension plan. I’d hate to see you blow it now.”
Several beats of silence followed before the sound of heavy footsteps headed toward the hallway. Elizabeth shot into her office and took a seat behind her desk just before Mr. James and Patrick entered.
“Good morning, Elizabeth,” Mr. James said as he took a seat in one of her guest chairs.
His nephew sat next to him, but didn’t say a word.
“We were just talking with Mr. Kent about transferring you back to the New York office. I know that’s where you want to be. What do you think?”
She placed her sweaty palms on her lap as her mind reeled to conjure up an appropriate response. She wasn’t ready to go back to New York or be near Patrick. And what about her career development, training in the Chicago office was essential for her progression within the company.
Mr. James stared at her, waiting for a response.