Page 78 of Plan Interrupted
“I can’t right now, sweetie. I need to finish my work,” he reluctantly replied.
“Awe, Daddy, please.”
“I can take them outside for a while if you want so you can finish your work,” Elizabeth offered.
Before he could respond, Molly ran out of the room yelling for Max, telling him that Elizabeth was going to play with them outside for a while.
“Well, there’s no getting out of it now, sweetheart,” he informed her, a tinge of apprehension picked at him.
They’re only going to be in the yard. It will be okay, he repeated to himself as he bundled his daughter up for her adventure.
As Elizabeth stepped through the doorway to go outside, he snatched up her wrist. “I’m right in here if you need me.”
“For Pete’s sake, Joe. We’re only going to be in the yard. I think I can handle this. Stop worrying and get your work done.”
Though she’d kept her tone light, the hint of disappointment in her gaze let him know his uncertainty hurt her feelings.
“I’m sorry. It’s just that...”
She raised her hand. “I got this. Relax.”
He returned to his office only to find it extremely difficult to concentrate now, knowing the kids were outside with Elizabeth, and without him. He hoped she was faring well with them. Unable to fight the urge, he peeked out the window. The sight of them playing together warmed his heart. He watched for a while as Elizabeth and Max pulled Molly and Jake around the yard on the sled. He couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of Elizabeth’s scarf tied around the dog’s neck.
Who would have thought? She’s even playing with the dog.
Relieved it appeared to be going well, he found himself able to concentrate on his work, and actually finish the drawings he needed to complete for Monday morning.
Just as he popped some chicken strips and fries into the oven, he heard Elizabeth and the kids enter the house through the door separating the garage from the utility room. He hustled to them to help the kids out of their wet snow clothes. Their cheeks were rosy from the cold, and Molly’s fingers and toes felt like little icicles. He wrapped his hands around them to warm them more quickly.
Max had shed his snowsuit and boots on his own and disappeared into the living room to play with his Transformers.
He glanced at Elizabeth, her proud ‘I told you so’ gaze caused him to smile. No words were needed. Every day she amazed him a little more.
Elizabeth watched as Joe continued to warm his daughter’s toes.
He looked up at Elizabeth and winked. “And how are your toes? Do they need warming?”
She fought the urge to divulge the thoughts that passed through her mind about what needed to be warmed on her, but she knew she didn’t need to say anything. The intensity of his gaze let her know he read her loudly and clearly.
“Molly, why don’t you go play with your brother for a while in the living room? I’ll come and get you when supper is ready, okay?” He scooted Molly out of the utility room.
The second the girl was gone he turned his undivided attention to Elizabeth. He stepped toward her, locking her in his wanting gaze. Her breath hitched in surprise when he placed his hands under her arms, and lifted her until she was seated on top of the clothes dryer. With his hungry gaze still on her, he slowly skimmed his large, warm hands from under her arms, and down her sides. Thrill snapped through her when he lightly brushed the sides of her breasts. By the time his hands slid over her stomach and down her legs, she was near panting. He kept his moments slow as he slid his hands downward until they reached the top of her right boot. After untying the boot, he pulled it off her foot, and then he did the same with her left boot. Taking her cold feet into his hands, he gently rubbed them, warming them with every stroke. Within seconds, his touch had warmed her entire body. Sweat beaded on her forehead.
Holy smokes, if this is how I get when he rubs my feet, how in the heck am I going to react when he finally makes love to me?
He eased his hands back up her legs until they reached her thighs, then he paused and looked at her with inquiring eyes, as if he was waiting for some sign from her to continue, or not. She skimmed her hands over his, leaned forward, and brushed her lips lightly over his. She hesitated, and then kissed him again, lingering for a moment before edging back and offering what she hoped he’d take as a consensual gaze. She was definitely ready to move forward with him, had been for some time. Now, judging from his darkening gaze, she knew he was fully ready as well.
He parted her legs slightly and stroked the insides of her thighs, and then he scooted her to the edge of the dryer and pressed himself firmly against her. She felt him grow hard. She wrapped her arms around his neck and wove her fingers through his thick wavy hair.
Joe stretched out his leg and used his foot to shut the door that stood between the utility room and kitchen. He tore his gaze from Elizabeth’s and lowered his head to kiss her neck. His hands, as if they had a mind of their own, rode up the inside of her sweater. A light moan escaped her lips as his thumbs brushed along the sides of her breasts. Her moan intensified the fire already burning inside him. His thoughts turned selfish; he needed to touch her bare breasts, needed to have her, and wanted her now.
He raised his head from her neck, wanting to kiss her lips, to taste her. Their lips were just about touching...
“Dad, the oven buzzer is going off,” Max yelled from the kitchen.
He could hear his son’s footsteps getting louder as he came closer to the utility room. He pushed himself away from Elizabeth just as the door flung open.