Page 84 of Plan Interrupted
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Tuesday came and went with the typical activities, work, and dinner at Joe’s. After the kids went to bed, she and Joe retired to the living room. She was feeling a bit on edge, thinking about her doctor appointment scheduled for the next day. Over the past couple of days, she thought she was handling it well, and no matter what the outcome, she would get through it. But now, as her mind sat idle, all she could do was worry about it, and what it would do to her and Joe.
Joe rose from his recliner and took a seat next to her on the couch. Wrapping her in his arms, he held her snugly. Neither said a word for the longest time.
Finally, she broke the silence. “Well, I suppose I better go home and get some rest. So I’ll see you tomorrow at 5:30 at Dr. Stuart’s office?”
“Yes, I’ll meet you over there,” he replied as he brushed his lips across her forehead.
“What are you doing with the kids? Who’s going to watch them?” she asked.
He smiled. “It’s taken care of. My dad is going to pick them up after school and take them to dinner, probably McDonald's, and then he’ll watch them until I return.”
“Oh, okay.”
She lifted herself from the couch and headed toward the entryway where she slid into her boots and coat. Joe buttoned her in and wrapped her scarf around her neck before he leaned forward and touched his lips lightly to hers. He lingered, and did it again, only this time he deepened the kiss. It was soft and moist, not too long, and not too short for a send-off kiss.
He backed away. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t worry. No matter what happens everything will be fine.”
The lump swelling in her throat at the mere mention of tomorrow’s activity prevented her from speaking. But no matter the result, she couldn’t wait to get the test over with.
Chapter Twenty-Six
Upon arriving at work Wednesday morning, Elizabeth strapped on the most cheerful look she could muster as she walked past Darcy’s desk. She was going to kill the woman with kindness until she figured out who the gossip was for sure, though in her heart she knew it had to be Darcy. At any rate, she planned to test the woman, to see just how fast gossip gets back to the New York office.
A couple of hours later she grabbed a fruit cup and high-tailed it to the break room, fully intending to take her break at the same time her assistant usually took hers.
As suspected, the woman strolled in and took a seat across the table from her. “So, how’s it going today?” Darcy asked.
Elizabeth fixed her gaze on her. “For the most part, I’m fine, but just so you know, I’ll be leaving a few minutes early today because I have a doctor’s appointment.”
“Nothing serious I hope,” Darcy replied, with a rising smirk on her drab face.
The woman couldn’t be easier to read, or toy with.
“Nothing I can’t handle,” Elizabeth replied as she rose from her chair, tossed her empty fruit cup in the garbage can, and exited the lunch room.