Page 88 of Plan Interrupted
It pained her to see the growing apprehension in his eyes every time she caught his gaze.
“It’ll be okay, Joe. The kids will be fine.”
“I know. It’s just...I’ve never left them before, and I feel like I’m abandoning you when you need me,” he replied. His head hung low. “The timing couldn’t be worse.”
Later Sunday evening, after the kids were asleep, Elizabeth watched as Joe busied himself in the kitchen, packing up the meals Grandpa would be serving the kids over the next couple of evenings. His level of tenseness was nearly driving her insane. With each tick of the clock, the worry lines on his handsome face deepened. As he put the last of the food into the refrigerator he grabbed a beer and shut the door.
She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling herself tightly to him. “It’ll be okay. Everything will be fine. The kids will be fine, and I’ll be fine. Your dad and Nick will see to it. They won’t let you down.”
He spun around in her arms pulling her tightly to him. “I know they’ll keep an eye on things, but I just feel like it’s my responsibility, and I’m letting you down.”
She looked up into his warm, caring eyes. “You’re not letting me down. You’ve done more for me in the short period of time I’ve known you than anyone has in my entire life, and I am so grateful.”
Who was she kidding? She was more than grateful; she was in love with the man standing before her. Desire flamed through her, burning deep into her core.
Stretching up onto her tiptoes, she placed her mouth next to his ear. “I want you.”
She kissed him lightly on the neck, trailing the kisses downward as she tugged his shirt from his jeans and skimmed her hands softly over his firm, naked chest. Her fingers tingled against his bare skin.
He hurriedly pulled his shirt up and over his head, and she pressed her lips to his chest, slowly lowering her mouth. Her stomach whirled. She needed a taste of him. She trailed her fiery hot tongue over his lean torso, wondering if it torched a path on his skin along the way.
He wove his fingers through her hair. His touch was gentle, and warm, sensitizing every nerve ending in her body. Her heart pounded wildly, and her mind reeled. Giving herself to this wonderful man, at this point in time, was all she could think to do, and all she wanted to do. She unbuttoned his jeans. The tips of her fingers had just gripped the zipper when Molly’s screams jolted them both back into reality.
Joe turned quickly and headed in the direction of his daughter’s room as he pulled his shirt back over his head. Elizabeth followed.
He scooped his daughter up in his strong, loving arms. “What’s the matter, sweetie?” he asked as he wiped the tears from her face with his fingers.
“There’s a monster under my bed.”
He rocked her back and forth. “Sweetie, there’s nothing under your bed. You just had a bad dream.”
During his attempt to lower her back onto the bed, she clamped onto his neck so tight her fingers turned white. “No Daddy, don’t make me sleep here. Please,” she pleaded. “Let me sleep with you. Please.”
Joe stood with his frightened little girl in his arms. He shifted his quandary-filled gaze between her and his daughter.
Elizabeth stepped toward him and Molly, and kissed her lightly on the cheek. “I’m sorry you had a bad dream. It’ll be okay, your daddy will take care of everything.”
She spun and headed out of the bedroom with him on her heels, and Molly still clinging to him. Though disappointed, she understood, and deep down loved the fact he put his kids first, which was something she’d never experienced as a child but wished she had.
He walked her to the door. “I’m sorry.” The frustrated look on his face tugged at her heart at the same time it nearly caused her to laugh. They couldn’t seem to catch a break.