Page 94 of Plan Interrupted
Lifting her head, she glanced up at him, her bright green gaze studying him. “This was even better than how I imagined my first time would be.”
He just stared at her, unsure what to say.
Almost as if she’d read his mind, “Well, it’s not like I was there, you know...I don’t really remember...I just remember afterward.”
His pulse pounded. He’d give anything, including selling his soul to the devil, if he could just erase that incident from her life. Still unsure as to how to respond, he drew in a slow calming breath hoping to come up with something. “Do you...are you...?”
Between his stutters, she placed her finger over his lips.
“Let’s just bask in the beautiful moment of us right now.”
He lifted his head and gently brushed his lips across hers, then she lay her head back down on his chest.
The uniform rhythm of her breathing told him she had fallen asleep. Reaching down he gripped the covers and pulled them up, over their naked bodies. He watched the clock. He wanted to get some sleep, and he wanted to stay with her, but he needed to get home before the kids woke up in the morning, so he decided to set his watch alarm for 2:00 a.m. That way he could spend a few hours yet with the woman he loved, and wanted to make a part of his family, and then go home and get some shut-eye before the kids woke.
Before too long, his watch alarm sounded, yanking him out of a deep sleep. He quickly shut it off in an attempt not to disturb her. She stirred a bit, but continued sleeping with her head resting on his chest. His attempt to slip out from underneath her without waking her was unsuccessful.
She lifted herself into a seated position. “What’s the matter, where are you going?”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. I need to get home. I need to be there for Max and Molly in the morning.”
She lifted her hand and brushed her long, loose curls from her face. She glanced up at him and batted her big, green eyes as she flashed a soft smile with her rose lips. “Oh yeah, the kids.”
Her gaze was like a magnet. “You’ve got the most beautiful eyes. If you don’t stop looking at me like that, I’m not going to be able to leave.”
The intensity of her gaze deepened. She didn’t play fair.
Chapter Thirty-One
Elizabeth lay awake in the bed. Joe’s scent still blanketed her. His love still surrounded her.
She wrapped her arms around herself as she recalled each detail of their lovemaking. It couldn’t have been more perfect. She wanted to be with him again, and always. Her heart raced, and her blood, still near boiling, rushed through her veins, warming her body.
The alarm clock blared at 5:00 a.m. She rolled out of bed, slid into her exercise clothes, and hit the treadmill for her usual three miles. When she finished her run, she grabbed a cup of coffee, and then padded off to the master bathroom to shower and get ready for work. She was just about ready for work when her phone rang.
Who the heck is calling me at 6:30 a.m.? Joe’s home number flashed across the caller ID display. Her heart leaped.