Page 93 of Lust For
Tears spring to my eyes. “You are so perfect,” I tell him.
“He’s just wonderful,” Dale says, killing the moment.
I look over and catch Aiden staring at us. I wonder what’s going through his head right now, but he doesn’t say anything. I knew the song wouldn’t fix things or make him suddenly be okay with us, but at least he’s not hitting Derek right now.
“We should add that one to our mix,” Brent says, joining us. “I kind of like the rock version.”
“I liked it too. That would be a good one for concerts,” Dale agrees. “You guys sound great. I listened to some of those demos you sent over. I like them.”
“Good, man. That’s great news,” Derek says, finally acknowledging Dale’s presence.
He tugs on my hand, and I stand up with him. Wrapping me in a hug, he gives me a quick squeeze. I place a kiss on his neck.
“Please stop that,” Derek whispers. “Or I’m going to have a big problem here.”
I snicker. “Well, what would be the harm in that?”
He just shakes his head and kisses my neck. He’s incredible and I don’t know what I would do without him. I hope Dale isn’t here to try to end things or terminate their contract. That will really ruin things with Derek and me. Their dreams would be crushed, and Aiden would never forgive us. Which means Derek and I would never be able to be together.
“Come sit,” Dale says, gesturing toward the table and chair that sits away from the instruments.
It sounds ominous and I hate it.
We’re all getting situated around the table. Derek goes to pull me into his lap since there aren’t enough chairs around the table.
“Get Audrey her own fucking chair, you douche,” Aiden growls out.
“Someone’s grumpy,” I tease. Aiden just rolls his eyes.
Brent pulls a chair from the closet and sets it up between him and Derek. “Here you go, kiddo.”
“Thanks,” I say as I lower myself into the chair.
Derek reaches over and squeezes my hand before asking, “What’s the word, Dale?”
Dale sighs. “Well, I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news. Which would you like first?”
We all stare at him. No one is in the mood for these games. We just want to know the future of the band. I want to know how this is going to impact me moving forward. Will my twin brother officially hate me? Or will I be able to be with the man that I love? It’s all up to Dale, apparently.
“Okay, fine, let’s start with the good news. Audrey,” he says, turning to me. “We were able to talk to the CEO of Beachbody. Ed is a good guy. He agrees that you didn’t do anything that would jeopardize your employment with them. They haven’t been getting any hate. Someone did turn off the comments on your Instagram, though, and they will be taking a break from releasing your new videos. Probably looking at a March release for those, not September. So, sorry about that. But the good news is you can keep your job. The North Carolina Courage…we checked into them for you too because Derek said you really enjoy working with them.”
Dale continues with his list. “They don’t care either. You’re actually coming out of this pretty unscathed, other than the obvious hate you’re receiving online. You might want to lie low for a little bit. Also, if you need security, please let me know. Or let Derek know. He has agreed to pay for any additional security for you, regardless of the state of your relationship.”
I see Aiden’s eyes snap over to Derek. “Thank you, man. I appreciate you doing that for her.”
“Least I go could do,” Derek mumbles.
I take his hand to my lips and kiss it. Derek brushes his other hand up my thigh. I look over and wink.
“Aren’t you two cute?” Dale says his voice dripping with sarcasm. “But that’s the problem with it. People really hate that you’re together. Or that you cheated on Serena.” He gives Derek a glare. “There’s going to need to be some damage control. I think you’re going to have to release a statement or something. But that’ll come when Serena releases hers. I should see copy of that today.”
“What will hers say?” Brent asks.
“It’s not pretty, boys.” He looks around at all of them. “She isn’t mad at you and you.” He points to Brent and Aiden. “She’s thinking of changing the song up so that she sings it with Aiden and is considering asking that Derek not even be on stage when it’s performed.”
“That bitch,” Derek exclaims. “She can’t do that. I’m in the band too.”