Page 6 of Incognizant Desires
Chapter three
It was just a brush. A soft stroke across my lips that woke me from my slumber.
I tried to open my eyes, but they felt heavy. I tried to move my arms, anything, but they wouldn't obey. Muffled sounds came to my ears. I could hear voices in the room, but try as I might, I couldn't make out the words, or pinpoint who the voices belonged to. They did not sound familiar.
Confused, I lay there, eyes closed while my body caught up to my consciousness. Slowly, I became aware of the aches and pains of my stiff body, and I hurt. Everywhere. At first, I could only move a finger, and I began to fear I was paralyzed. But when I was finally able to move my arm, I raised my hand immediately to my eyes that still refused to open, and rubbed them.
What was going on? Why am I so stiff?
Willing my eyes to obey, I slowly blinked them open. My vision was blurry at first but when they slowly came into focus, there were three men standing over me, none of whom I recognized. I was immediately drawn to the man with dark features, his bright amber eyes stared back into mine. He murmured something, but I couldn't make it out.
"...atalina. Catalina, can you hear me?" His eyes were concerned when I didn't respond, and he pulled out his phone and retreated from my side.
I looked at the other two men standing over me. One of them was dressed neatly, with his styled blonde hair, green eyes and slim build, he could be mistaken for a male model. The other one was huge, tall with wide shoulders, and made of muscle. My eyes opened wider in alarm at all the blood over his clothing.
Was I in some kind of accident?
I turned my sore neck to look about me. I was in bed, monitors and screens on one side, with a drip line on the other that was connected to my arm. It was evident something had happened to me, but what, I couldn't remember.
"Catalina. How are you feeling?" The male model was holding my hand and gave it a slight squeeze of which I barely felt. My heart fluttered at his relaxed smile, a smile I'm sure would have charmed a lot of women.
I opened my mouth to speak, but my throat was dry and I covered my mouth with my hand as I coughed uncontrollably.
"Water. I got you girl." The big one said gruffly snapping his fingers. He left and came back with a glass of water, and Mr. model slipped an arm behind my back and gently helped me to sit up. He took the glass of water and held it to my lips as I took a few tentative sips. The water tasted sweet as it washed through my sandpaper mouth, and I gave a small moan of relief as my throat opened up.
As the other man returned, I scrutinized him from head to toe. He was tall and dressed immaculately in an expensive suit with a Rolex. He had dark features, black short cut styled hair and had those amber eyes that seemed to glow. I could tell by his demeanor that he was the one in charge here.
"The doctor is on his way. He'll be here shortly. Nico, stay by her side, and Atlas," he looked the huge man up and down, "for Christ's sake, go take a shower and get changed."
The man, Atlas, just grinned. "I'm on it. Until next time baby girl." He gave me a curt nod and then left the room.
The one in charge stood a moment, staring me over before turning his attention to the guy beside me. "You good here?"
"All under control, bro."
Bro? They looked nothing alike.
"Good. You know where to find me if things get… complicated." He gave me one more quick glance before he strode from the room.
"More water?"
"Huh?" I looked at male model who was holding the glass aloft. I nodded, taking some larger sips this time, relishing the taste. I was crazy thirsty. After I'd finished most of the glass, he plumped my pillows and laid me back to rest. "It's Nico, right?" I managed to say.
He smiled, a brilliant, perfect pearly white smile that I'm sure would have made girls fall over in a swoon.
Thank god I'm lying in bed and can't fall any further.
"She speaks! Yes. I'm Nico. At your service." He lifted my hand and kissed the back of my knuckles.
I couldn't help but smile girlishly. "Do I know you?"
"No." He grinned, "But you will."
I nodded, even more confused. Why on earth would I be cared for by strangers?
"Where am I?" The place did not look familiar in the slightest.