Page 48 of The Cowboy's Counterfeit Fiancée
“Sam and Logan are engaged.”
“What?” She fixed her gaze on Sam. “That’s wonderful news. Congratulations.”
“Where’s the ring?” Aiden nodded toward Sam’s left hand.
“We’re going to pick one out this weekend. Right, Sam?”
“Um…yes. This weekend.”
Their food arrived at the same time. Sam stared down at what had been so appealing a bit ago. Thinking about an engagement ring, the wonderful Mexican food didn’t seem as attractive.
Sam worked alongside Brady and Owen the following morning, tacking up horses for a trail ride to the hot springs. Gage planned a different route for this group of guests, lengthening the outing by half an hour.
Tightening the cinch on one horse, she moved to the next, her thoughts on the previous night. She and Logan had shared meals several times since he’d arrived in Brilliance. Not once had she felt uncomfortable about being with him.
Last night felt different, as if they were a real couple. It was an uncommon sensation of belonging which alarmed her. She’d avoided relationships since her marriage to Miguel. He’d soured her for anything more than basic friendship.
She’d found herself staring at Logan several times as they ate. Not quick glances, but longer examinations of his strong features. She wondered what it would be like to actually be his fiancée.
As soon as Sam realized the direction of her thoughts, she’d tear her gaze away, chastising herself for the ridiculous, romantic notions. She wasn’t a romantic. Hadn’t been since the demise of her marriage.
The problem was she couldn’t deny her unwelcome attraction to Logan. She liked him, enjoyed his company, felt a sense of loss when their evenings ended. Nobody had to tell her the feelings were one-sided.
She was older than him, after all. Sam had seen the looks younger women shot him at Dulcy’s. What surprised her was how he’d never returned their interest. Logan was content with a burger, a beer, and listening to the band. Once in a while, he’d grab her hand for a dance. Most times, he was fine watching other couples or the line dancers.
He was the most uncomplicated man she’d ever known.
“You going on the ride, Sam?”
So lost in thought, she’d startled at Brady’s voice. “Um…no. I’ll be staying behind to set up the afternoon activities. Most of the women are going to Daisy’s jewelry making class. I’ll be helping her.” She laughed. “I don’t know a thing about jewelry.”
“Maybe you’ll be watching Reece.”
Her jaw dropped. “I’m no better with babies. Although, he is one beautiful boy.”
Brady lowered his voice, as if not wanting anyone else to hear. “I helped Wyatt with baby duty a week ago. Easiest kid you ever saw.” His brows rose as his smile widened. “Hey. This time next year, I might be helping you and Logan with baby duty.”
Chapter Seventeen
“That’s great news, Benny. I’ll let Quinn know. See you in a few days.” Logan ended the call, already walking toward the four-wheeler parked several yards away.
His brother had been waiting for Benny’s call. The news Logan carried would be better than Quinn could imagine.
The last message he’d received had his brother working with a few of the ranch hands near the western property line. They were moving the herd, but he didn’t know where.
Driving in the direction he expected to find them, he groaned when the four-wheeler sputtered and stalled. He first checked the gas tank. Finding it almost full, the carburetor was next. As expected, it was clean. Logan went through the checklist in his head, unable to identify the problem.
Hands on hips, he looked around. There was nothing to do except head back for the other four-wheeler. It would take him half an hour to walk back to the equipment barn. The reality was Quinn would hear the good news as soon as Logan could get it to him.
He ran as far as he could in his barn boots. Removing them, Logan ran the rest of the way. Reaching the building where Jake kept the equipment, he checked the remaining four-wheeler with care. As with the other one, he saw nothing that caused a red flag.
Climbing on, he started the engine. It sounded fine. Driving outside, he came to an abrupt stop.
Smoke billowed from the direction of Whistle Rock Ranch. Leaving the four-wheeler behind, he got into his truck, navigating the short, winding road in less than a minute.
His mind didn’t want to accept what was right before him. The barn he’d helped rebuild was on fire, as was the hay stacked beside it.
“But they arrested the arsonist.” Logan punched out the words as he exited the truck, running toward the water supply.