Page 4 of Rescuing His Forever
“Rule number two,” he continues in the same booming voice. “I’ll need your daily schedule, including meetings and out-of-office appointments. Once I have the schedule, you’ll stick to that without variation.”
I stopped listening after rule number two. It’s funny and almost cute how this giant Greek god of a man thinks he can order me around. He’s so serious about everything, making me want to push his buttons and see if he ever laughs. It’s hard to picture a smile on his face. I’m pretty sure his mouth is etched into a perma-scowl.
While most of me is annoyed at the list of rules he’s rambling off, some long-dormant part of me is starting to wake up. I think I like the challenge. No running? Catch me if you can. And when he does...
An image of my bodyguard curling his fingers around the back of my neck and pulling me in for a punishing kiss flashes across my eyes. I try blinking away the fantasy before my face turns bright red.
Looking up at the man whose name I still don’t know, I give him a bright smile. His eyes go wide and then narrow into slits as he stares at me suspiciously.
“I’m not much of an auditory learner,” I inform him, keeping my voice light and sweet as I side-step around him. “If you could write all that out in an email for me, that would be great.”
The fire in his eyes does wicked things to my body, sending a shiver down my spine. When he growls, I nearly collapse from the vibrations echoing in my chest.
“Listen here, Roxy,” he starts.
“I wish I could, but I have a meeting across the hall. It’s a closed meeting, but you can sit outside and work on that email.”
Before he can protest again, I slip into the Sea Lily conference room, shutting the door with a click. As I shuffle my way to my favorite spot on the other side of the large table, I’m painfully aware of my erratic heartbeat and flushed cheeks. What is that man doing to me? And how long do I have to be around him?
Chapter 3
I step up to Roxy’s apartment door, rolling out the tension in my neck and shoulders before lifting my hand to knock. As outlined in the stupid fuckin’ email I sent her yesterday, I told her I would be at her place to pick her up at zero-seven-thirty every morning to escort her to work.
I still can’t believe the sassy, five-foot, two-inch woman talked to me that way. What’s even more concerning is that I let her. It’s been years since I was a low enough rank to take shit from my superiors. No one talks to me the way Roxy did yesterday. She gave me orders and then dismissed me, cutting me off at every chance to defend myself.
Why is that such a turn-on?
No, goddamnit. I don’t have feelings for the woman I’m in charge of protecting. She’s just... she’s surprising in a way I wasn’t expecting. That’s it. I’m always prepared, but the curvy woman with dark silky hair, blue eyes, and a feisty attitude caught me off-guard. Now I know what to expect and can plan accordingly.
After my little pep-talk, I realize Roxy hasn’t so much as made a peep inside her apartment. I knock again, louder this time. The damn door rattles on its hinges, and I wince, knowing a good kick would splinter the wood, leaving Roxy vulnerable.
There’s a lot about her current living situation I’m not a fan of. She’s in a ground-floor apartment, for starters. The flimsy door and ancient windows make this place an easy target. I noticed the complete lack of security last night when I walked Roxy home. No cameras, only one light for the entire parking lot. And that’s just what I’ve observed with a cursory glance. I’m sure if I dug any deeper, I’d find a thousand more things that aren’t up to code.
I look at my watch, noting that she’s officially late. Again.
My training kicks in, and I realize there’s another reason she might not be answering her door. Jumping into action, I try the door handle, pleasantly surprised it’s locked. I wouldn’t put it past Roxy not to lock her door, so I’m pleased that she did this one thing for her safety.
Going over to the one window in her living room, I peer inside to catch any movement or see if I can make out any body-like lumps on the ground. My stomach drops at the thought of Roxy lying on the floor, struggling for breath.
I pry the window open, grunting as I heave the old casing up, breaking through layers and layers of paint as I go. Another safety violation.
When I have the window open enough, I haul my ass up and through the opening. I tuck my head and roll to a silent stop on my feet inside the apartment. It’s empty, and from what I can see, not broken into. Everything is neat and tidy, making the small space more bearable.
My eyes land on a note on the kitchen counter next to the window I just somersaulted through. A bright pink Sticky Note lies on the counter with a loopy, feminine script scrawled upon it.
To whom it may concern, mostly my bodyguard, whose name I should know by now:
I went to work early to practice a big presentation. Make yourself at home, as I won’t be needing your services.
I growl as I crumple up the piece of paper in my fist. This is the second time she’s dodged me, and I must say, I don’t like it. I pull out my phone and call the Sea Change office. The lady from yesterday answers the phone. I can tell because I swear I can hear her warm smile over the phone. It’s as unnerving as it was the first time I met her.
“Sea Change headquarters, how may I help you?”
“This is Keaton, I’m Roxy’s bodyguard. Is she there?” I hate having to ask since it makes me look incompetent, but the priority is ensuring Roxy is safe.
“Oh yes, she was here quite early. She has a special presentation she’s giving to our most prestigious and generous donors. I know she’s going to do great, but it’s a lot of pressure for someone so young.”