Page 15 of Her Bad Boy
"Sixteen minutes, according to him."
"Nineteen, according to me, and it's the watch on the wrist of the person who's driving the car that counts."
She sounded almost sober—and a bit pissed that he'd brought that up, or perhaps that Bloomer had been complaining to him—but he thought she looked cute when she was on the defensive or pretty much any other time, for that matter.
Allie looked blurrily around for a moment. "How come I'm not home?" she asked petulantly, wandering a bit until he caught her arm and guided her back to the couch, helping her sit back down before she fell over.
"Because I thought it was less of a hassle to bring you here."
"But this isn't your house, either, though." She smiled drunkenly up at him, telling him expansively, "I liked your house a lot. It felt very cozy and homey."
Lucas smiled. "Thank you. I'm glad to hear that you liked it. This is an apartment I keep in the city."
Allie looked around a bit. "I don't even think we know about this one," she murmured in another moment of lucidity that stunned him for a moment.
As much as he was beginning to prefer her drunk, he knew he had to try again with the water, picking up the glass and trying to hand it to her. "Here. Drink."
She gave him a full-on pout that was downright adorable, shaking her head resolutely back and forth. "Nope. Not thirsty." Then she leaned forward and whispered, "Do you have any booze, though? I drink booze now."
Lucas chuckled. "I got that idea. You've had quite a bit tonight, haven't you?"
"Just two," she stated with absolute surety, while holding up three fingers.
"Well, since you don't drink much, it's affected you more than it might someone who has more experience with it. That's why I want you to drink the water, Miss Allie."
She clicked her teeth, clamping her mouth closed—even being bratty enough to show them to him—while shaking that beautiful head back and forth.
He put the drink down on a coaster on the coffee table and sat down on the couch with her, choosing his next words very carefully. "Well, since you're obviously not a good girl—as you've confessed already—and you're not obeying me, then you know what that means I'm going to have to do."
Her reaction this time was worlds away from what it had been in the little diner. She seemed almost eager, sitting up next to him on her knees.
"You're gonna spank me?"
Her eagerness surprised him, to say the least. Lucas considered her for a long moment, then said, "Well, if you continue to refuse to obey me, yes, probably."
By the time he'd finished the sentence, she had already spread herself over his lap, turning her face up to him to confess sweetly, "I'm not going to drink any of that water, Lucas."
"You left out the 'and you can't make me' part," he prompted with a smile in his voice.
But she was ahead of him, issuing the impudent challenge as she stared boldly into his eyes, "I bet you can!"
He nearly came right then and there. It took him a long moment to get his genitals back under his own control, especially since she kept wiggling all over them.
"What are you doing?" he asked finally.
"Taking down my skirt."
Allie found her hands covered and moved away from her own hips. "That's for me to do, Allyria, not you."
What was he saying? He couldn't do this. She was drunk and he couldn't take advantage of her like that. Could he?
And then she said, softly, submissively, "Yes, Sir." It slipped out of her mouth without conscious thought and felt better than she wanted to admit or think about at the moment.
And by those two little words, he was well and truly undone, and she had sealed her fate.
Of all the things he'd done in this life that he thought he was probably going to go to Hell for, this was at the very tip top of what was a very long list. Yet he still couldn't stop himself from doing it. Lucas knew he was going to regret it sorely when she sobered up and hated him for it, because as much as he didn't want her to be, she was his opponent. And as much as she was doing her best to walk on the wild side with him, he knew that she would always be a good girl at heart.
He also knew that his grandmother and mother—in particular—would be ashamed of him for his behavior. His grandfather and father would be royally pissed at him because he was leaving himself open in all sorts of ways that he shouldn't—not the least of which could be her having him arrested for rape, since she was really in no shape to consent.