Page 22 of Her Bad Boy
A few minutes later, not too far from home—although he didn't think she knew that—he commanded, "Lean forward as far as the seatbelt will let you."
And she did it—with a very loud whine. She was bent at the waist, which pressed even more of her soft, vulnerable self against that awful blanket, and with the bumps and turns in the windy back roads, she could feel it abrading her delicacies horribly—to say nothing of what it was doing to the majority of the flesh that was in contact with it that had already been strapped raw before she sat down.
She made the mistake of breathing an audible sigh of relief when they pulled into his driveway, thinking her torment was largely over when it had just begun.
She knew better than to get out of the car without his assistance, so she waited for him to come around. When he did, he didn't guide her into the house as she expected, but rather he reached down to yank her dress back up to where it had been when she was holding onto the tree for dear life, turning her almost immediately to bend her over the hood of the car.
In seconds, he had kicked her legs so far open, her head was no longer near the center of the hood, and she could hear the sounds of that belt again, which made her stiffen in dread, but then she felt his length pressing insistently up against her.
"But the men! The cameras!" she whimpered, even as she acknowledged to herself that there was nothing she could do to stop him.
"The men know better than to look and—strictly for security reasons, of course—there have been cameras everywhere I've ever had you. Don't be naïve." With that, he reached out and laid his big hand on the back of her neck, forcing her to keep her head down while he took her roughly.
She wanted to scream and cry at what he'd just blithely informed her of, but he was giving her too much else to scream and cry about, slamming up into her and against her swollen, irritated bottom, his thick cock rubbing against agitated and itchy lips in a way that only seemed to add to the already horrendous irritation.
Lucas didn't bother to keep a slightly malevolent grin from sliding across his lips. He loved fucking her like this more than he liked doing almost anything he'd ever found to do in this world. She was obviously still chafing and chafed from that intense car trip, and of course, her delightful backside was still sore and burning, which he knew had only gotten worse as they drove here, too. She was feeling humiliated and embarrassed to be taken like this, where she knew others could see, and yet she could do nothing to prevent it, even though her little hands were completely free.
But she knew better than to try to reach down and stop him or protect herself from him in any way—lest she compound her punishment exponentially—and there was nothing around her to hold onto, so they were kind of flailing helplessly in midair, much like her legs, which were dangling over his bent ones. They were of no earthly use to her, either, in this situation.
He came inside her with a guttural groan and absolutely no thought to her pleasure whatsoever.
In fact, she was still in need of punishment, and he brought her to where it was going to be meted out by lifting her over his shoulder and carrying her into his bedroom, smacking her still exposed bottom loudly every step of the way as she wet his t-shirt clear through with her tears.
He would never have thought that such an evening would have prompted her to confess her feelings for him, but it had, which was something for which Lucas would always be incredibly grateful. He had been beginning to think that he was some kind of experiment that she was conducting, but that she didn't really care about him at all, whereas he had to endeavor to keep his emotions ruthlessly in check around her at all times.
He was a passionate man and he made no apologies about it. He felt things deeply, and one of them he was pretty sure was a very great love for her, one in the style, he hoped, of his parents and grandparents, who'd had a great and true love for each other until the day they died.
And he hadn't gone easy on her, hoping to prompt such a confession, either. Just the opposite, in fact.
He had used her in a way that challenged her more than he ever had before, demanding things from her that he knew she wanted but that were new to her but not babying her because of it. He bound her breasts, first very tightly around the base of one of them, then around her neck to do the same at the other, making sure the makeshift harness—which he preferred to anything bought—was very tight and held her breasts awkwardly high up.
He adored the sight of them bouncing even more violently as he fucked her again while she was secured to the bed, unable to help himself at the sight of her bound and gagged, nipples clamped by small bulldog clips that were tied down to the ropes beneath each of her breasts, making them fight agonizingly against every upward movement her breasts made.
And through it all, through the paddling and the caning and the begging and the screaming and the stretching and the filling, he had never once deliberately sought her pleasure in any of it—in fact, quite the opposite.
Yet, whenever he pressed his throbbing cock or his three abreast fingers into her cunt, she gushed the deep extent of her submission all over him.
When he had taken pity on her and left her untouched and relatively comfortable—or as comfortable as she was likely to get for the moment, considering what he had done to her—drawing her into his arms to hold her tight against him and whisper, "Good girl," she had looked up at him, her eyes still wet from the tears he had drawn from her relentlessly this evening.
"Lucas, is this just sex to you? I'm not judging one way or the other; I'd just like to know."
Stunned and very unprepared, he nonetheless hunkered down in the bed so that they were eye to eye and cupped her cheek. "No, Allie Barstow, it is not just sex. It's much more than that, but I've been reluctant to talk to you about it, because that seemed to be all you wanted from me." He kissed her tenderly, drawing back only enough to say, "I love you. I love everything about you, even your less charming quirks, and I have never had better sex nor a partner I found more compatible, whom I genuinely like spending time with, in and out of bed, in my life. And it's okay if you don't feel the same way, because I really don't expect you to. I don't even think you like me much. You just want me to dom you and fuck you."
"Well, there is that," she teased, regretting it instantly because she hadn't meant to treat his vow of love for her as superficial or disposable in any way.
But she wasn't quite there with him yet, although she did reveal that she felt more for him than just lust. "A lot more," she'd offered hesitantly, and he was incredibly happy just with that.
So, it had to be love.
He probably could have left it there, but there was more that he wanted to say to her, so he levered himself up on his elbow to look down at her. "Allie, I want you to know that, wherever this goes or however it works out, you are safe with me. I don't think that you can absorb it, really, but I will keep you safe—even if you manage to land me in jail. I will see to it that you're always safe—from me, and everyone else that might seek to harm you in any way, for any reason."
Allie was quite touched by his vow and didn't doubt that he meant every word, her eyes filling with tears as she whispered, "I wish I could say the very same thing to you, but I can't. In fact, I'm bound by law to do my utmost to make sure you rot in prison."
Lucas smiled softly. "If life was simple, it would be incredibly boring."
Allie leaned up to kiss him as he folded her into his arms. "I think I could do with a little boring about now."
A phone call interrupted his musings. It came in on his private phone—the one almost no one had, although he didn't recognize the number that was calling. With any other phone he owned, he would simply have declined the call, considering it spam, like when what was apparently the entire state of Illinois called him on occasion. But it was so unusual that he accepted it.