Page 16 of Doctor's Orders
The doctor actually shook Darcy's hand and patted her on the shoulder as the rest of his employees were allowed to leave the building, filing loudly out of the gallery as they excitedly discussed what they had just witnessed.
But before she could leave, the doctor said, "You did a very good job tonight, Darcy. But there were a few instances of hesitation when I told you to do something that you should have done immediately, but you paused, to say nothing of the fact that, at one point, you out and out tried to run away. That's not acceptable. Meet me in my office tomorrow and we'll discuss it."
Darcy mulled over everything that had happened that evening as she drove home and long after that into the night. It bothered her enormously that she had gotten at least as wet from doing what she had done to Angine as she had when it was Angine who had been doing much the same thing to her. What kind of pervert was she? It was bad enough when her body delighted in the kinky, degrading things that were done to her. She did not want to be one of those people who delighted in another person's agony.
And yet that was obviously exactly what she was.
And, despite how stellar her performance was—with even rare praise from Doctor Brackett—she was still going to end up getting her butt blistered—or worse—tomorrow when she went to see him. And that was only if Nurse Carson didn't get to her first at some point during the day, which was about as probable as the sun not rising in the east tomorrow.
Despite her inner turmoil, she managed to sleep like a baby that night, although she certainly wasn't looking forward to the next day.
Chapter 8
And the next day was at least as bad as she had anticipated, and it seemed just that much worse because, for the first time in her life, she was being most thoroughly punished after having learned just how much of a kick it was to be holding the paddle rather than being on the receiving end of it. Although Darcy did her best not to think about that, it was there, in the back of her mind, from that point on. Very little had changed about her life, really; she was still teased unmercifully and denied release; she was still subject to the same amounts and types of punishments that she always had been.
She was the one who had changed.
And she thought the doctor probably recognized that fact, although he hadn't done anything about it, really, except for beginning to include her in punishments that involved her fellow coworkers—many of which seemed to be about Angine and just how badly she was adjusting to her sudden loss of power around the office and her new position as whipping girl. Angine—unlike Darcy—was much more comfortable dishing out the discomfort.
It was often Nurse Carson who was set to punishing the woman who pretty much filled the shoes that she was in now. Not that she let that effect the way she treated Angine. Not in the least. Nurse Carson had entirely too much pride in her work to do that. She just…wouldn't, no matter who the girl had been.
Darcy, who was occasionally called into the room for some reason when Angine was being punished, usually by Carson, was a silent witness to how Carson treated Angine and wouldn't necessarily have been quite as neutral as she might think she was—especially when it came to punishments. Carson was much harsher on Angine than even Darcy, and that was saying something. Something about Angine rubbed the new assistant the wrong way, and Angine was made to pay for that quite dearly and consistently.
And when she was called into the doctor's office during a time when she wasn't normally supposed to be there—being fucked or spanked or otherwise driven crazy in order to keep her constantly on the edge of having an orgasm—she was surprised to see the newest person in the office was there, also—Nurse Taft.
Although he had definitely gone against type in hiring Nurse Carson, here was proof that he was completely back to normal. This was one exquisite looking young woman, with flawless skin, beautiful features, long, wavy hair and a non-stop figure that the doctor assured Darcy was entirely natural, and he would know. He, of course, did all of the intake and insurance exams on the staff. Nurse Taft's blush at his statement was even more legendary—and pervasive—than Darcy's. While she achieved a bright glow, this girl turned an alarming shade of red, and since she was a blonde with very fair skin, it contrasted even more than it might have. The effects might have made someone else look damned ugly, but she was too beautiful a woman for anything so endearing to mar her perfection, so it ended up being kind of sweet and charming.
"I called you here, Nurse Hanson, because I'm assigning you to train Nurse Taft."
Darcy was speechless and was barely able to recover from the shock in time to save herself from a spanking right then and there.
"Yes, sir."
"I'm going to trust you to teach Nurse Mandi Taft everything she needs to know to succeed at this practice and perform her duties seamlessly, as well as introducing and integrating her into the current staff and getting her familiar with our…extracurricular activities."
Darcy nodded, still digesting what was happening.
"Of course, with those responsibilities comes a certain amount of power. You will be required to reprimand Nurse Taft if she makes an error, and those errors will reflect negatively on you, also."
In other words, if her trainee didn't do well, she was going to be able to punish her. However, that was small comfort, because if Taft didn't do well, then she wasn't the only one who was going to be punished for it—and Darcy didn't need any help in that area.
But, as usual, she wasn't being given any choice in the matter.
The doctor dismissed them with an imperious wave of his hand, and Darcy decided quickly that it was going to have to be the "tough love" route for this one. There was no way she could take any more discipline than she was already being subjected to.
So, she pulled the younger girl into the break room. It was ten in the morning, and morning breaks hadn't begun, so it was deserted. But she consciously didn't lock the door. If someone came in, she would begin to teach the young woman that was not considered a valid cause for calling a halt to whatever was transpiring—be it a spanking or an exam or something even more intimate and mortifying.
Darcy put her hands on the girl's shoulders and shook her, none too gently. "Listen, I don't know just how much you know about what goes on around here—"
"I know everything. The doctor has explained it to me. If I make a mistake, you're going to punish me. I wish it was the doctor, though, instead, but you'll do." She sounded as vacuous as she looked, and that was a frightening thought for Darcy, whose butt was on the line in many different ways here. "I like being spanked."
Darcy very much doubted that she would be quite as excited to be punished once she was through with her. As Darcy readied a few things in preparation for Mandi's punishment, she was looking around at the opulence of the décor and equipment.
"Damn, I thought this place was amazing when I got the tour, but it's even better—"
"Shut up and take your clothes off." Darcy crossed her arms across her chest expectantly.
"What? Now?" For all her bravado about liking to be spanked, she sounded as if she thought it was a joke.