Page 7 of Doctor's Orders
Angine, for once, was at a loss for words. That just wasn't the kind of question she would have even thought of asking. She hadn't the slightest idea, so she passed it down the line to Darcy. "Hanson?" She had taken to calling Darcy only by her last name for some reason, and Darcy didn't like it at all, especially since she was now only allowed to call Angine either Nurse Crawford or ma'am, but there was nothing she could do to change it. "When was the last time the doctor generously allowed you to orgasm?"
Darcy knew to the day—practically to the hour and minute, too, because he was so damned stingy with them that she had relived every minute of the precious few times in her mind constantly. "Five weeks and three days, ma'am," she whispered, then realized her mistake. But before she could correct it, Angine produced the tawse she had begun carrying on a leash around her wrist for just such an occasion and began to lay into her with that strap until Darcy said very loudly, "Five weeks and three days, ma'am."
Twenty remedial strokes later, the doctor asked, "And you've been disciplining her regularly like this for how long now?"
"Three weeks, sir. There hasn't been a lot of improvement that I've noticed, though, Doctor."
Darcy wanted to hang her head at that pronouncement, since she'd been very motivated to try to get the harsh disciplinary sessions reduced in length or frequency, although she hadn't been able to do that in the least since it began. If anything, they were increasing.
Tears coursed down her cheeks as Angine continued. "It seems that we take one step forward and two steps back with this girl."
The doctor almost smiled. "Well, keep at it." He reached out to touch Darcy's bare behind. "Although she doesn't look very red right now, to me. When did you say that you'd last punished her?"
"This morning, sir," Angine answered. "We had a full schedule today, so I didn't get a chance to do a correction mid-day, which I usually like to do." Darcy could tell by the tone of her voice that she was going to catch hell for the fact that her skin recovered much too quickly—visually, anyway—for the doctor's tastes.
"Perhaps daily spankings here with me, in the evenings after work, in addition to whatever you deem necessary to rectify her errors during the day, of course, might help."
Angine nodded her agreement.
"And anal training is another thing that just might get her to buckle down. Feeling a stiff, wide butt plug in her bottom all day long should be another good reminder for her. As I recall, she was much too tight the last time I took her there, anyway."
"Yes, sir."
"I think we'll schedule a time to give her an orgasm, too, dependent on her behavior, of course, and after another six weeks of training or so. Every once in a long while, it'll be good for her to let off some steam and feel what her continued bad behavior is causing her to miss. In a very controlled environment, of course. Never on her own or with anyone other than me, of course."
"Yes, sir."
Abruptly, he put down the clipboard that Angine had given him with the lists of her many faults and the subsequent corrections. "Prepare her, Nurse Crawford. I feel the need to fuck her."
His desk was cleared quickly and efficiently, and Darcy was strapped down tight, with her arms above her head. Her ankles were held wide apart and her heels were fitted into stirrups that kept them there. To her great shame, before he took her, he reached down to press a finger inside of her, where his big cock was soon to follow, and as her body creamed all over him, he grinned, saying, "This one is a rare one, Angine. Feel how wet she is just from us talking about her like this, and no doubt from your efforts, this morning, with her, too."
Unable to do anything to prevent it, Darcy had to endure the ignominy of having Angine explore her intimately. She tended to do so when she was being corrected and they were alone, but she had forgotten that it was a whole new level of mortification when she did so in front of the doctor.
As he arranged his clothing, he ordered the other woman, "Reach into my top left drawer and take out two of the clothes pins that are in there."
Darcy wanted to wail—clothespins? That couldn't mean anything good for her.
"Got them, sir."
"Put them on her nipples."
Darcy rapidly realized that they weren't the ordinary kind, but then, the doctor wasn't the type to have an ordinary anything. As Angine settled the first one onto her already painfully peaked right nipple, she felt it bite into her in a way she hadn't expected—it wasn't wood or even plastic she was feeling biting into that tender flesh.
It felt like Velcro! He'd glued or somehow affixed the male—rougher—side of Velcro onto the insides of the clothespins, so that when Angine placed them and they began to exert the continued, constant pressure, it drove all of those hard, prickly nubs into those proud peaks, making them sting and almost itch, to say nothing of ache unbearably.
Darcy couldn't help it—she shrieked at this horrible indignity, her mouth opened wide, uncontrollably letting loose with long, loud bellows of pain until she found a large roll of bandage material fitted into her mouth, then held there by a strap that also kept her head pinned to the desk.
And even though she continued to shriek at the top of her lungs, very little sound emerged from behind the gag, as she knew it wouldn't from previous experience having used exactly the same method on some of the doctor's more vocal patients.
"Much better." Without another word, he rammed himself up inside her, and Darcy knew it was a good thing that she self-lubricated, since he hadn't bothered to use anything to make his entry any easier. He was a good-sized man in all aspects, and he filled her to just past the point of discomfort. She could feel his balls swinging against her behind as he began to fuck her with hard, powerful strokes.
Angine was standing quietly to one side, awaiting further orders as she watched him taking Hanson. "If you feel like it, Nurse, you can reach down to pull the tips of those clothes pins apart. Don't compress them from the outside, because then they'll come off. Put your fingers in between them and try to spread them. That'll exert just that much more pressure on her poor nips."
Angine obeyed his orders, obviously reveling in the extra agony she was causing, but she also went above and beyond, twisting and pulling at the pins, too, slapping them, bending them all the way down then all the way up, and generally making them hurt as much as she possibly could while Brackett pumped away, laboring for a surprisingly short amount of time before he spilled himself within her.
As he lay atop her, his breath still heaving out of his lungs, he commented in an offhand manner, "That's another thing that you might want to consider—look on the internet for some sort of nipple clamp that she could wear during the day that won't show through her uniform."
Considering how skintight the material was, that was a tall order, Darcy thought, but she underestimated Angine's dedication to doing the absolute best job she could at this for the doctor, since she enjoyed it so thoroughly.