Page 8 of His
The last part of her bondage was a loop of leather around each knee that pried them well apart, exposing all of her naughty bits to two sets of eager eyes. Raina could feel the blush cascade over her body, knowing that they could see it, too, with the help of the overhead light he flipped on that she knew illuminated every line and nearly every cavity she owned. She'd seen the pictures.
Her eyes beseeched him to let her go, to cover her up - something, anything, so that she wasn't just lying there naked and splayed obscenely in front of a complete stranger. Although he'd met her eyes, and knew exactly what she wanted to ask but was too well trained to, he did nothing more than nod too her slightly and pat her skewed leg, offering no relief and precious little comfort.
Raina closed her eyes, which was another violation to add to the ever growing pile. She wasn't going to be able to sit for a month once he got through with her. She was told just seconds later to open them again, and she knew from his tone he wasn't happy that she'd ignored her training.
But she didn't have time to dwell on what she knew was coming, because the stranger was donning the same medical gloves her Master often used when he wanted to play a very nasty game of doctor with her. That was her Master, though, and this was a man she'd never seen before in her life who came to settle on a stool at the end of the table, directly in front of that part of her that was most private, even donning wire rimmed spectacles so that he could see that much better.
Since there was no rule - yet - that she had to watch what was being done to her, Raina tried to fix her attentions on the ceiling, which unlike most spots where she found herself like this, there wasn't a mirror staring back at her. But that was nearly impossible. She was used to being inspected. He'd certainly done it to her often enough, but this was an entirely different matter.
The man he'd called Daniel groped her gently, though, obviously trying not to hurt her in any way, poking and prying and almost but not quite playing. He seemed to have a great interest in her clit, which, to her complete dismay and horror, began to respond to his almost absent attentions. Her Master looked avidly over Daniel's shoulder, as if he was also seeing her for the first time. They spoke in low voices but not as if they were trying to keep her from hearing, but what they were saying didn't hold any meaning for her. They also moved up to play with her breasts, the stranger plucking and pulling her nipples into tight prominence, paying little attention to her reactions whatsoever.
Finally, when she thought she was going to melt away in mortification, he removed the glove noisily, patted her thigh, and shook hands with her Master before he left.
Raina was never happier to see anyone go. That had been worse than any inspection he'd subjected her to so far. But now that it was over, the punishments would begin.
It was the first time he really lectured her while he disciplined her. He was not at all happy with her performance, and she felt it. He'd efficiently turned her over onto her stomach, using one of the many cylindrical pillows to bolster her hips, then retied her again.
But this time, he tied a very thick blindfold over her eyes. It wasn't in the least important to him right now whether she saw herself being punished or not. This wasn't one of those times she was going to replay in her mind as he made her scream with pleasure. This was going to hurt.
Raina didn't know where the paddle came from, but she knew where it was ending up with devastatingly regularity.
"Who do you belong to?" he asked.
She wasn't exactly sure whether it was a rhetorical question or not, but she barely peeped, "You, Sir," as she tried to deal with the explosions he was creating on her rump.
"And if I bring someone into the house, do you think that it honors me, that it honors your submission to me for you to be so reluctant, so shameful of your own body? Do you think that I would put you into a dangerous situation or introduce you to someone that would compromise your safety in any way?" He paddled her hard throughout, and she tried desperately to respond in the negative through her sobs.
"And you closed your eyes - you know better than to do that." He was right, she did. And his tone - which, as usual was barely above a whisper - just made her feel like a recalcitrant three year old, which she detested. "Don't you?" Three more swats fell, in the exact same spot.
"Yes!" she screamed, tugging at the bonds that held her fast for the correction he had decided she needed.
The next implement that he picked up was something that Raina dreaded - it was a rubber strap that looked innocuous enough. It wasn't the biggest or most imposing looking in his arsenal. But it was rather long and black, and once she'd felt it, she knew she never wanted to feel it again. It was as if each stroke was a jolt of electricity along her skin, and well into the meat of her. The pain was unbelievable, and he almost never used it on her.
This time, though, he took his time in showing her exactly what it was that he was using next, making sure she got an eyeful of it before he walked back to stand behind her.
She wanted to shout "no" more strongly than she'd ever wanted to do anything in her life, but she knew that that would only make the situation much, much worse.
And then the strap fell.
When she awoke it was much later, and she was still wearing both of her collars - the more decorative one she always wore and the leather one she wore at home - as well as her wrist and ankle cuffs. Raina was on her stomach in their bed. It was, unfortunately, a familiar position. As soon as she stirred, he lifted himself up on his elbow, stretched out as he was beside her. He moved her hair off her back and began to rub it. "Are you okay?"
She was certainly more okay now than she had been. He had only actually swatted her about twenty times, but with his strength and deadly accuracy, it was enough to make her scream so much and so loudly that she was now completely hoarse. When she answered him that she was fine, it only came out as a loud croak.
"I told you when we first came together that I'd stretch your limits, and you know that I'd never consciously put you in any kind of danger. This was a very good test of your submission, however, because you really didn't expect it." They'd discussed, before she gave herself completely into his care, that neither one of them had any interests in sharing or swinging or swapping and whether or not that type of thing would be within his prevue, and they'd agreed that it would not be.
He rolled away from her for a second, then rolled quickly back. "I know this is a strange time to ask this - "
Anytime was a strange time for him to ask about anything. He didn't ask, he ordered, whether it was in conjunction with her, or his assistant or his chauffer. He was an equal opportunity commander - that was what made him such a natural dominant.
"Y-you want to ask me something?" she said, barely above a whisper, as she tried only somewhat successfully to turn towards him without relighting the fires in her butt. But now she was exceedingly curious at this strange turn of events.
"Yes," he answered, moving his hand to her cheek where he brushed back the hair then claimed it gently. "We've been together for long enough now -"
Raina's eyes widened to an almost unhealthy point. Was he breaking up with her?
" - and I want it to be a permanent arrangement." He held up a huge, open black velvet box, containing the largest diamond solitaire she'd ever seen. "Marry me."
There was the absolute very last thing she ever expected to hear from him. He'd been extremely allergic to marriage, although he was considered quite a catch. He'd never been married, and as far as she could tell up to this point, didn't have any interest in ever being married. It had never entered their conversation - she certainly hadn't broached the subject. She wouldn't have.