Page 27 of Coming Home
She knew how intense last night had been, and now she truly understood the apprehension in Quinn’s voice last night, when she’d been straddling her waist.
‘It would be easier to never know.’
That’s what Quinn had said, and Emily now knew that it was the truth.
It would have been so much easier.
That didn’t mean that Emily regretted anything about what had happened last night, but it certainly made the reality of their situation much harder.
Emily hesitantly stepped into the kitchen, her throat suddenly feeling dry as Quinn turned. Her hands were cradling a mug, and her gaze seemed to be focused on something far away.
“Hey,” Emily said softly.
“Morning.” Quinn left her mug on the counter. “Do you want a cup of coffee?”
Emily nodded. “Please.” She inhaled a shaky breath as she leaned her hip against the counter. She had not expected to feel this conflicted, like today was the day they were saying goodbye to one another.
If this was what she felt like now, how was she going to feel in January? When they’d potentially spent many more nights together?
“You okay?” Emily asked when Quinn handed her a cup of coffee.
“Yeah,” Quinn said, her lips curving a little, but Emily didn’t believe her. There was a touch of sadness in her eyes, and Emily hated that there wasn’t much she could do about it.
Quinn sipped her coffee, leaning against the counter a few feet away from Emily. She should have known that this morning would be a little awkward, but it didn’t feel like it had anything to do with last night. It was about what was going to happen next. And the fact that this had a very definite end date.
“I’ll drop you back,” Quinn said. “At some point.”
“Thanks. I had a text from Rebecca. I guess, I should have told her that I wasn’t coming back. Not that I knew… Anyway.”
Quinn pressed her lips together. What would Rebecca think of this? She had no idea, but it didn’t really matter, did it? This was never going to be more than a fling.
“Can I get your number?” Emily asked after she’d taken another sip of coffee.
“Why?” Quinn asked without even thinking.
“Uh…” Emily’s eyebrows rose.
Quinn could feel the heat on her cheeks. “I just mean… You know, this isn’t… This can’t…” Her voice trailed off, and she let out a sigh. She didn’t really have the words to say that she wasn’t going to keep doing this. Sleeping with Emily.
Quinn needed last night. She needed it for herself, for her own sanity, but also for all the history between them.
But now that it had happened? Quinn could already feel that tug, that ache in her chest. She just wasn’t cut out for flings. She had to keep that feeling from getting any worse.
“Yeah,” Emily said, looking away. “Yeah. You’re right.” She visibly swallowed. “Yeah.”
Quinn felt a heavy weight of guilt when she saw the look of disappointment on Emily’s face, but she had to look out for herself and her feelings.
Quinn couldn’t get caught up in this. All of the things she’d said to Lucy were still true.
There was the age difference, their past, the distance between their lives now. Not to mention Quinn already knowing Emily’s family, and she doubted that they would be happy with their daughter dating her former professor who was also significantly older than her.
Quinn looked out the window at the snow covered lawn. She’d just have to find a way to be happy that last night had happened without wishing for it to be anything more than it was.
In the last week, Emily threw herself into getting the cabin finished. She still couldn’t believe how Quinn had reacted to Emily asking for her number.