Page 13 of Give Me A Reason
“Smells good.” When he passes me, he smacks a kiss on my cheek making me grin at his enthusiasm. It’s nice and pushes away the gloom that’s ever present in the back of my mind. Grabbing his favorite soda from the refrigerator that I always manage to keep stocked just in case he stops by, I take a bottle of water for myself and join him at the table.
As he begins opening cartons of food he looks at me, “Well, don’t keep me in suspense. How did it go when you told Nate about taking the week off?”
“Actually, it was great. He said it’s about time I use some vacation time. Said it will make him feel less guilty about using his own.”
“Great. I knew it would work out.”
“You did, huh?”
“Of course.” He uses his chopsticks to shove noodles into his mouth straight from the carton and I wonder why he even bothered to grab a plate.
“Are you going to tell me where we’re going now? What is it you have planned?”
“Hmm…” he chews thoughtfully while considering my question. I quietly eat my sweet and sour chicken while he annoys me with whatever it is he’s taking forever to decide.
“Seriously?” I grow impatient.
Clearly he can read my mind, “You’re so impatient.”
“Duh. It’s like you don’t even know me.”
He smiles and it makes the lines at the corners of his eyes crinkle. I love it. He has the most fascinating eyes. One is light blue but the other is a light green. It’s striking and at first glance you don’t notice, the color difference is so slight. When you look closer you can see the shade difference. He hates them of course, but I find them special in their uniqueness.
One time a guy at school that clearly didn’t care if he had to start eating his meals through a straw actually said to Oliver that only dogs ever have two different colored eyes. That boy became the biggest laughing stock in our school due to the huge bruise he received on his jaw – from a girl. Me. I’d never been so angry. The look on Oliver’s face after I punched the kid is something I’ll never forget. He took one look at my bruising fingers and then punched the kid too. Not for making fun of him, but for hurting my hand. Good thing Oliver had taught me how to throw a punch or I would have broken my hand or a finger.
No one ever dared make fun of him again. Girls loved his eyes anyway and really, that’s the only reason boys would ever dare to say something to him. They were jealous. Because Oliver got all the girls – he always has.
“How about this,” he interrupts my thoughts, “I’ll tell you where we are going so you know what to pack and plan, but as far as the details I’ll keep them to myself.”
“Haven’t you ever heard of a surprise?”
“You know I don’t like surprises.”
“You don’t like bad surprises. Everyone likes good surprises.”
“You think so?”
“I know so. Besides, when is the last time someone gave you a good surprise?”
“A long time.”
“Alright, fine.”
“Yes!” he says like he won something pumping his fist into the air.
“You’re a dork. Tell me where we’re going.”
“We’re going to the beach, woman! Just like you said you wanted.”
Shaking my head I point at him with my fork – no chopsticks for me, “You know I don’t mean that – I already figured that much. The beach, where?”
“I’m taking you to Hawaii.”
I drop my fork, but he just smiles and keeps talking, “We’ll fly out Saturday. Since it was last minute, I did the best I could. The travel agent got a good deal. So, we’re going to Oahu and we will stay at the five-star Kahlia Hotel & Resort. I already made our reservations and everything. All you have to do is pack and look gorgeous.”