Page 23 of Give Me A Reason
The feeling of the breeze coming through the patio door is the first sensation I feel as my body begins waking before my mind. Soft tickles glide over my skin in intervals that make the hair on my arms stand as goose pimples form head to toe. Crashing waves against the shore meet my ears and instead of the noise waking me further, it nearly lulls me back to sleep. Pushing through the haze I open my eyes to slits then further as the sight of the curtains billowing in the wind makes me smile. It looks like they’re dancing to the sound of the surf. The sun has already taken its place in the early morning sky and creates a streak of light across the carpeted floor that shifts and changes with the curtain’s movement.
All of these things I notice before I’m aware of the arm draped protectively across my waist and over my stomach; before I feel the legs intertwined with my own. Perhaps it’s because I’m used to waking alone or that I’m waking up in a new place. More likely it’s because I’m afraid to acknowledge that lying like this, with him, feels so right. I know it won’t last - it can’t.
With a soft sigh, I remain still. I want to soak up the feeling a little longer – the feeling of not being alone, of companionship and comfort.
The reminder last night of how we did this when we were younger makes me smile again. It seems so long ago now. It’s always just been my mom and me. She fell in love with a guy and mistakenly thought he was the be all end all, but when he found out she was pregnant at the young age of nineteen, took off. I’ve never even known dear old daddy. She dated occasionally when I was older, but no one ever stuck – she would always say it was fine with her, that all she needed was me. But, that meant it was up to her to make enough money to sustain us. I know my grandma offered to help her when times were tougher and she may even had accepted it a time or two, but she was stubborn and determined and wanted to provide for us on her own – to prove she was completely capable of taking care of us. The only time she accepted help was when she wanted to purchase the house we moved into next to Oliver. She wanted to raise me in a good neighborhood I remember her saying.
She had a decent job at a textile factory, but at one point when I was in high school she was transferred to the night shift. I was old enough to be left on my own but she wouldn’t hear of it, so Oliver’s family would help keep an eye on me. Sometimes I would sleep over at his place, but most of the time I’d be fine on my own. I think it made her feel better knowing they were right next door should anything arise. Sometimes though, I really hated being alone, or I’d feel frightened due to some stupid show I watched or a noise I heard. Or it was just as simple as not wanting to be by myself. The time Oliver recalled last night – the last time he snuck out late at night and into my bedroom window was the last time it happened because it was the first time something innocent came very close to being… more. I acted like I didn’t remember at first, but that was a fib. I remember it all.
“The movie was really scary. Don’t laugh at me!” I smack him in the chest when his response is to smile and chuckle. “It was!”
“I told you it would be, didn’t I? You shouldn’t have gone. You hate horror movies.”
“I know, but Julia wanted to see it. She said she would only go if we saw whatever she chose.”
“That’s because Julia’s a bi-”
He sighs, “I don’t know why you put up with her. You know I’m right.”
“I picked the last movie, so I didn’t mind.” He opens his mouth to say who knows what, but I cut him off. “Anyway, I’m pretty sure I spent more than half the movie with my hands over my eyes.”
“I’m surprised you made it through the whole thing.”
“I wanted to leave after the first murder scene. Ask for my money back, or better yet run out of the theatre screaming.” His laughter delights me and I smile. “I knew I’d never live it down. Julia would tell everyone.”
“I know for a fact there would have been plenty of guys at school Monday lining up to console you, if needed.”
“I’m serious,” he shrugs. “You just need to change your perspective when you watch scary movies. Look at it artistically.”
“Artistically? Seriously? Like, ‘Oh, wow, the dead body placement here reminds me of Antonio Canova’s Sleeping Nymph.’”
“You are such a nerd.”
Rolling my eyes, “Yet, you see my point.”
“The point I was trying to make is that when you look at it artistically you can appreciate the makeup department’s work and how fake it is.”
“Yeah, sure. Whatever you say. It looked freaking real to me.” Scooting down onto the bed I pull the covers over me and smile when Oliver holds an arm out to me and I cuddle into him putting my head on his chest. “He was chasing people with a saw, Oliver. A saw! Just sawing off people’s appendages!”
“Right, because that happens all the time in real life. In fact, I’d be scared to leave the house tomorrow. Someone that saw the movie may get ideas.”
“That’s not funny.”
He chuckles again and I feel the vibration of his reaction under my cheek.
Smiling at the memory I recall that while I don’t remember the exact moment I fell asleep in his arms, I sure as hell remember the part where I woke up.
Something startles me awake. I’m confused for a moment, but then I realize that somehow Oliver’s head is now buried in my shoulder and he’s mumbling, ‘no’ over and over again in his sleep.
“Oliver?” I whisper and shake him gently. His body trembles and I raise my voice a little louder, “Oliver. Wake up. You’re dreaming.”
It takes a few tries before he wakes. When he does, the closet light I insisted remain on illuminates his face. His wild and confused eyes meet mine. He stares at me for a moment and then suddenly grasps me to him in a tight hug.
“Hey, are you okay?” I rub his back trying to soothe him – concern lacing my words.