Page 35 of Give Me A Reason
“Fine. But I’m warning you now that I have a few thoughts that I plan on sharing.”
“It doesn’t matter-”
“Don’t. Don’t even think about telling me that my feelings and thoughts don’t matter.”
His eyes are fire, his stare intense and I wish I could swallow my words, “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Yes, you did, but it doesn’t matter because I’m not going to act like all of this is fine. You can’t possibly expect me to. You and I need to have a conversation. Or two. Or three.” His voice sounds determined, yet pleading at the same time. It’s clear he’s been holding this in and keeping his feelings to himself and while part of me wants to tell him to let it go, I also understand as well.
“How about I tell you that I hear you? Will you accept my saying that I’m not ignoring you, that I love you for loving me, that I respect your thoughts and feelings? Can that be enough? For right now?”
He sighs and tucks my hair behind my ear. “For now.” I nod and he does as well and then we move through the garden once more.
There’s a bit of tension between us, it’s thick and full with unsaid words and stifled feelings. I’m about to bring up anything I can think of just to break it when Oliver’s words startle me, “Stop.”
I freeze but my eyes swing toward him, “What’s wrong?”
His smile relaxes me, “Nothing, just be still for a minute.”
I do as he asks and watch as his gaze moves up and around me and realize that I’ve managed to attract a few butterflies and they’re fluttering around me. I remain still, but follow their flight with my eyes. One lands on my hair and another on the front of my shirt. Oliver has his phone out and is taking my photo when a butterfly lands on my hand. It’s black and yellow wings open and close while it seems to take a rest on me. I look up at Oliver and find he’s still staring at me. “You’re beautiful, Remy. You take my breath away.”
But it’s my breath that seems to have escaped me at his words.