Page 110 of Let's Play
“I was blowing up balloon animals earlier. You must have just missed it.”
“Shame. I bet you look real pretty blowing something up.”
I open my mouth. Close it. Take another sip of my drink. “Wouldn’t you like to find out,” I muse.
“I might like that.”
Maybe I was wrong about the flirting. I lived with a man who preferred men and had no idea. I think my brain might be broken. Either way, I’m sure he doesn’t want to sit here and talk with a sad girl in a wedding dress. There are plenty of fishies in the sea and most of them are out there on the dance floor wearing short skirts and low-cut tops.
I swish back around, swirling the tulle around my legs as I cross them, and resume staring at my drink. Muscles was a nice distraction from my evening of woe, but I’m not deluded enough to think he’s actually interested in me.
That is, until he taps me on the shoulder with his big manly hand and looks at me expectantly.
“I’m sorry.” I blink at him a few times before continuing, “I wasn’t aware we were still having a conversation.”
He leans forward and cocks his head to the side, surrounding me with his scent. “We’re not done talking until I say we’re done talking. You got that, Princess?”
“Do I have a choice, Charming?”
“Charming, huh?” His lips quirk up in a smile. “I hate to break it to you, Princess, but there’s nothing charming about me. Especially not when you open those legs of yours.”
I’m glad I wasn’t taking another sip of my drink or I’d have choked. His brow quirks as his gaze travels the length of my ridiculous sparkly dress and returns to my face. I nearly swallow my tongue. There’s a light fluttery feeling in my belly that spreads like a wildfire beneath my skin. My heart pounds, my mouth dries, and my palms sweat.
“What makes you think I’m going to open anything for you?” I manage to choke out.
His eyes darken like the sky before a storm, and he lifts his beer from the bar and gives it a swirl before bringing it to his lips for a long swig. “So, are you dressed for a special occasion?”
“It was laundry day.”
He snorts. “And that was the only thing clean?”
“Something like that.” I sigh and tap my nails along the bar. “I was supposed to get married today. I found my fiancé sucking on the best man’s dick like it was half price Slurpee day at the 7/11.”
“Well, shit.”
Holy hell. At least there’s no chance of violating rule number one. I doubt there’s still a wedding happening after that. I guess it explains why she didn’t bother to change out of that dress. Not that I mind, really. The more time I spend looking at her, the more I like it. There’s only one big problem; I can’t see her legs, which is a real shame because that’s one of my favorite things on a woman. The tight corset part of the dress though, is doing wonders for her rack.
And the best part of this whole situation is that there is no way she wants anything more than a tumble in the sheets. Poor thing probably hasn’t had a proper sheet wrestle in years.
“That must’ve been tough.”
“It was. It is. I just feel so stupid.” She covers her face with her manicured hands and groans. “I should’ve seen it. Looking back, the signs were clear as day.”
I pull her hands back to the bar, give them a squeeze, and linger on the softness of her skin for just a few seconds. “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
The longer I touch her, the longer I let myself revel in the feel of her, the thicker the air feels around us. I pull my gaze to hers, losing myself in the depth of her deep brown eyes. I shift closer, closing the distance between us almost on autopilot. My breath catches in my throat and my palms sweat. I’m not at all sure what this visceral reaction to her is, but I’m not sure I trust it. The last time I felt something for a woman was… well, there’s a reason the rules are in place.
Clearing my throat, I drop her hands and back up, creating more space between us. “So, I feel like I should know your name and maybe a little about you.”
“You should or you want to?” Her brows draw together as she studies me.
That’s a million-dollar question. Do I actually want to get to know her, or do I want to make her comfortable enough with me so she’ll let me unhook the back of that dress? I bring my beer to my lips and take a long swig, letting the roasted malt sit on my tongue before I swallow it down. “I don’t know.”
“Honest answer.” She nods. “If we’re being honest… I don’t know if you’re interested in just chatting or if you’re looking for something more.” She pauses and takes a deep breath. “It seems ludicrous someone like you would even want something with someone like me. But if that were the case, then you should know that nothing could go beyond this weekend.”