Page 12 of Let's Play
I nod, although she can’t see me. “I don’t know the exact words but Vee, how can my dad deny us this chance?”
She chuckles. “Have you forgotten who your father is? He’s adamant you will never date, let alone a player.”
I fall back onto my bed. She’s right, of course, but when two people want the same thing, there must be a way.
“Mom will talk him around, I know she will.” I allow my eyes to close and lift up a silent prayer to the relationship Gods.
“I could use some help with my chem. Do you think I can swing by in about an hour?” Vee brings me back to the present.
Magik and the boys are watching game tapes after training tonight, so I have no plans other than studying for the mid-terms.
When Vee leaves for the evening, I return to my room and find a message from Magik on my phone.
Hope your night with Vee wasn’t as fun as our ‘study’ nights.
A chuckle escapes me as I crawl under the covers and hit reply.
All my fun nights are reserved only for you.
Dots dance across the screen.
I’m in bed, can I call you?
Unable to wait to speak with him, I dial his number. As soon as he answers, my desperate plea gushes out. “When can I see you next?”
He laughs. “I miss you too.”
“But?” I ask with bated breath.
“Sneaking around is getting harder, Paris. I don’t want to hide what we have.”
The past few months with Magik have been perfect, though I agree. I’m sick of hiding our relationship in fear of my father’s reprimand.
“Screw it, let’s just come out and tell the world we’re together.”
“And risk your relationship with your father?”
It’s not my relationship he’s worried about and for the most part I understand. “Dad loves me, he’ll get over it. Besides, Mom is team Paris and Magik.”
The smile is evident in his voice. “Yeah? Do you think she can talk him into me playing ball and winning the girl?”
“You’ve already won the girl, Magik But you’re right. We can’t keep sneaking around like this. He will find out.”
Silence fills the distance between us. “Let’s ride it out a bit longer and play it safe for a few weeks now I’ve made it clear what I want.”
His words cut through my fairytale ending. “Play it safe? As in not see each other?”
I wait for the answer I know is coming. “Yeah, I guess.”
Disheartened, I wish him goodnight and try miserably to fall asleep. But my mind is in overdrive, listing all the ways Magik can prove to my father he deserves a chance. Eventually, I drift off, only to be woken up by a knock at my door.
Sitting up, I realize the sun is shining brightly and I’ve overslept.
“Paris, honey, are you okay?” Mom pushes the door open slowly. It’s unlike me to remain in bed this long.
“Is he gone?” I swing my legs over the bed and prepare for a shower as Mom nods.
“Don’t be mad at him, he’s only doing what he feels is best for his baby girl.”