Page 148 of Let's Play
“He seriously asked for my number?”
He nodded, then looked between Karen and me.
“Am I missing something?” Jeremy had left the kitchen but he was still in hearing
distance in the living room, so Dale leaned closer and whispered. “Aunt Chloe, are you interested in Phil Riddle?”
I laughed at both his tone and Aunt Chloe. He’s called me that since he and Karen started dating and I think it’s really sweet. I thought about lying to him, but really, what’s the point?
“The man looks like Jason Momoa. Who wouldn’t be at least a little bit interested?”
“Jason Momoa?” He shrugged at my nod, then looked at his watch and stood. “He’s a good guy. If you want me to give him your number, I will. Just let me know.” Leaning down, he kissed Karen. “Jeremy and I are off to pick up our takeout. Do we need anything else?”
“No, I think we’re good.”
He kissed her again.
“See you in a bit.”
“So what are you going to tell him?” Karen asked as soon as Dale and Jeremy left.
“I’m thinking the same thing I told you at the game a couple weeks ago. It’s probably not a good idea.”
“That’s the same thing I told you when Dale asked me out.”
I chuckled at the smug look on her face.
“Don’t use my words against me. Besides, you’re a relationship person, I’m not.”
“How do you know? Since college, you haven’t been in one place long enough to find out.”
It’s not the first time she’s said that to me and while my first instinct is to lash out or make a sarcastic comment, I do neither. For one, because she means well and two, she’s right.
Through the years, I’ve either dated guys in cities I traveled through or who were based in St. Pete but were happy seeing me whenever I was in town. Neither were ideal for forming lasting attachments.
“But enough about that,” she said. “Tell me about the bakery.”
“It’s really shaped up since you saw it. The front display case was delivered yesterday so it looks like a real bakery. I’m still waiting on my big mixer, but that’s supposedly coming Friday.”
We discussed my menu, and I asked her opinion on the things I’ve been debating about including. I swore I was going to keep it simple to start, but I find myself adding things. In theory anyway. Nothing is set in stone yet. But I do have to decide soon so I can order my initial inventory.
“Maybe I’ll add those items on a separate menu as available for customer orders.”
“That’s a great idea,” Karen said.
Jeremy and Dale returned with our Italian takeout and soon the table was covered with foil pans of deliciousness. I sat back and watched as Karen, Jeremy, and Dale filled their plates. I’ve shared meals with them numerous times before, but for some reason today, this whole domestic scene makes me feel like I’m missing out on something.
Before I could talk myself out of it, I said, “Dale, instead of giving him my number, tell Phil to stop by the bakery sometime. I’ll be there all week setting up.”
“Will do,” he said.
Chapter 3
I parked the car and looked at the three-storey brick building in front of me. It’s in a great location with a lot of surrounding businesses and an elementary school two blocks down.
When Dale told me Chloe wanted me to stop by Bake Someone Happy instead of just calling her, I thought he was joking. Turns out, he wasn’t. For a split second, I thought about telling him to forget it, but that would have been cutting off my nose to spite my face. For whatever reason, I’m interested in this woman I’ve never met and once I got over myself, I decided it wouldn’t kill me to go the extra mile to meet her.