Page 166 of Let's Play
Before I could answer, he continued.
“I just want you.”
I was giddy, riding a high I would never have thought possible in the weeks that followed. Between his swimming training and my newspaper commitments, we stole moments to kiss and spend time together. We finally completed his interview one afternoon, lounging on the bleachers of the football stadium while Cody ran through endless drills with his team.
Kane’s answers were silly and earnest by turn, and I knew I was falling hard for him in a way that was both thrilling and terrifying.
I was seventeen and felt like he could be the love of my life. The rational part of my brain warned me I was getting off track. I had to keep my focus on the plan: scholarship, college, sports journalist. No deviation.
I told Kane we needed to focus on our careers, that we couldn’t get too serious. We were too young. Kane agreed, then kissed me to shut me up.
Coach Turner found us an hour later and drilled Kane for missing practice, but Kane didn’t seem to mind much. He took his time giving me a leisurely kiss goodbye before following his still irate coach off in the direction of the pool.
I was blissfully happy.
“You’re coming tonight, right?” Kane confirmed between kisses as I urged him to go meet his coach. State finals had finally arrived, and I’d already promised I would be in the front row to cheer him on.
“You know your coach has already organized a ride for me. I’ll be there to see you win. Focus on the swim; don’t worry about me,” I said, smiling as I pushed him through the doors to the pool.
“Fine. I’ll go. But I’ll see you tonight.”
I laughed as he swooped down for a last kiss before leaving me in the doorway. With each step he took, I saw him transform from the fun, sensitive guy I had come to know, into the confident, aloof swimmer who would stop at nothing to reach the top.
He had admitted to me he was nervous. His closest competitor, Xavier Greene, had been confirmed as part of the lineup, and everyone knew college scouts would be watching. Kane’s whole future was riding on his performance.
I understood his nerves; they were much the same as mine had been when I submitted my article as part of my scholarship package the previous week. But I was confident he had nothing to worry about and that I couldn’t wait to see him compete.
I cycled home as quickly as I could, showered, and had to rest on the toilet seat when a dizzy spell hit me. As I sat in just a towel, I tried to recall the last meal I had eaten. Not lunch—I’d been busy with Kane—and not breakfast either. I’d felt nauseous the last few mornings.
Dinner last night, then. I shook my head in amazement and pulled on jeans and a t-shirt quickly, heading to the kitchen to make a sandwich before my ride arrived.
The state-level swim meet was being held at Silverton College, an hour and a half drive from Fankirth, and as I waited on the stoop, I wondered who Coach Turner had asked to drive me. Clearly, it had to be someone involved with the team, but not a swimmer because they all had to be there early, and had more important things to focus on. Kane originally asked Cody, but he had his own football schedule to worry about.
The daylight faded as I continued to watch for any sign of an approaching vehicle. Children playing in the street were called in for dinner, and still nobody came.
Had I been wrong?
Was I supposed to meet someone somewhere?
Eventually, the evening chill drove me indoors. I dumped my half-eaten sandwich in the trash and my stomach roiled as I curled up on the sofa, unsure what to do next.
Kane had wanted me there, right? Maybe it had all been an elaborate joke. Seduce the reporter to get a good story, then forget her when it was finished? It didn’t sound like Kane, but how well did I actually know him?
I ran for the toilet as my makeshift dinner made another appearance, and sat on the floor of the bathroom. Maybe I had been wrong about him.
I felt off the next morning. My stomach roiled so badly I had to stop my bike twice to heave nothing but bile as I pedaled to school. Kane wasn’t by the bike racks, as had been his habit the last few weeks, and my heart dropped at the further proof he was done with me. I’d spent half the night wondering what had happened to change things so quickly, but still had no clue.
The first two classes crawled, and when I spotted Kane in the halls before lunch, Cody steered him away before I could catch them. I couldn’t stand the not knowing. If he was going to break up with me, I could take a hint, but he was going to man up and speak to me about it first.
After my final class of the day, I was first out the door as I sprinted to get to the pool before Kane. I knew his last lesson was on the other side of the campus, so I had plenty of time, but an irrational fear of missing him made me run. Panting more than I should have been, I leaned against the great brick building and silently cursed my stomach as it protested the rough treatment. It was fine. I had made it. I hadn’t decided what I would say when I saw Kane, but I was sure the words would come when he was in front of me.