Page 18 of Let's Play
I’d thought she was going to wring his neck with her bare hands. Honestly, he deserved that and more. Brooke was the best girlfriend. And even though he keeps crawling back on his hands and knees, begging her to give him another chance, my girl has remained steadfast in her resolve. I couldn’t be prouder of her. She’s told him in no uncertain terms to go take a flying leap. So far, he refuses to take no for an answer. I’m not sure why he won’t let it go. He obviously didn’t care enough about their relationship to stay faithful in the first place., I’d prefer to avoid the athletes at Western.
Along with the frat boys on campus.
They’re just as bad.
Take out those two groups of potential candidates and it makes for an awfully shallow dating pool.
“I’m not really looking for a relationship,” I tell her as we pass by the union. “I’ve got enough going on.” Soccer and school take up a huge chunk of my time. I’m in my senior year of college and my schedule is jam packed with architecture classes. I’m also working on getting my resume together so I’ll have a job secured by the time graduation rolls around in the spring. Life is changing. I’m both excited and scared at the prospect.
“Maybe not, but you need someone to take your mind off Easton. You gotta move on, girl.”
The comment is so unexpected that I stumble in surprise. Before I can take out any of the unfortunate pedestrians within striking distance, Brooke grabs hold of my elbow and tows me along the walkway. It takes a moment to regain my balance.
Panic bursts to life inside me as I focus on staying upright. “What are you talking about?”
My roommate rolls her eyes and releases a long-suffering sigh. “I’m talking about the secret crush on E you’ve got going on.” She pulls me closer before dropping the next bomb. “The one, I suspect, you’ve had for years.”
I shake my head in silent protest.
Before I can deny her claims, she continues. “You can try to fool me all you like, but don’t lie to yourself. You’ve had a major thing for that boy as long as I’ve known you. And hey—it’s not like I blame you for it. Easton is gorgeous with all that thick, whiskey-colored hair. There’s been more than a few times when I’ve wanted to drag my fingers through it.” A faraway look enters her eyes as she stares off into space before abruptly clearing her throat. “Anyway, the point I’m trying to make is that I get it. My problem with the situation is that you’re unwilling to do anything about it. The best thing you could do is move on. And Ryder could help with that. It’s not like I’m telling you to marry the dude. I’m just saying, let him take you out and show you a good time.”
Even though she’s right and I should come clean, I mumble, “I don’t have a crush on him. We’re just friends. That’s it.” It’s hard to admit the truth—even to yourself—when you’ve spent years tamping down the emotion and pretending it doesn’t exist.
Brooke spears me with a pitying look. “Oh, Sash. That’s so sad.”
My shoulders collapse under the weight of her disappointment.
Secretly, I can’t help but agree. It is sad. Pathetic, even.
“Why don’t you just tell him how you feel?”
Is she legit crazy?
“And ruin our friendship?” I blurt before I can stop myself. “Hard pass. Plus, he doesn’t see me that way.” He never has.
“How do you know? Have you ever asked?”
“Of course not,” I mutter, desperate to change the subject. “Easton doesn’t see me as anything more than a friend. His best friend. And I love having him in my life. I would never do anything to jeopardize our relationship.”
Just as she opens her mouth to bombard me with more questions, a muscular arm is thrown over my shoulders and I’m hauled against a hard body. Even before his masculine scent can inundate my senses, I know exactly who I’ve been crushed against. And takes every ounce of self-control to resist burrowing against his comforting strength.
That’s when I realize Brooke is right. I need to stop lying to myself. It’s not helping the situation.
“Hey.” He drops a careless kiss against the top of my head. “What are you two talking about?”
My face flames as the edges of Brooke’s lips quirk with mischief.
I swear, if she takes matters into her own hands and lets the cat out of the bag, I’ll kill her. I’m not even kidding. Brooke McAdams will end up being nothing more than a senseless statistic, and I’ll walk away with zero regrets.
I shoot her a narrowed look that promises retribution.
“I’m trying to convince Sasha that she should go out with my cousin.” She beams at him with an expression full of faux innocence. “Don’t you think they’d be perfect for each other?”
He stares at her for a long moment. “Are you talking about Ryder?”
“Yup. That’s the one.”