Page 184 of Let's Play
He swallowed. A quick glance down showed me that he was as affected by the idea of her being pinned to the wall as I was.
“She’s here.” T.J. grabbed my arm. “Come on. Let’s go get her.”
He dragged us across the grassy area beside the tents to the gravel parking lot. At the end, just stepping out of her car was Becca in a sundress and cowboy boots. I think all of us moaned when her dress hiked up a little, revealing more of her soft thigh before she stood.
“I almost forgot how great she looks when she’s in a dress and those boots. Or shorts and those boots. I swear she wore them all through my final year of high school. Thankfully she wasn’t in any of my classes or I might have lost my scholarship because there was no way I was going to be able to concentrate on anything but her legs in class.”
“Why didn’t you ever ask her to bring them with her when she came to visit?” I punched T.J. in the arm. “That was something that needed to be shared with us.”
“But isn’t it better that we’re seeing it now?” asked Aaron.
“How do you figure?” Sometimes Aaron asked the weirdest questions, but usually his logic was sound. Something about how he was always so quiet and observant of others allowed him to see things that the rest of us didn’t.
“Because it would have been so much worse having that picture in our minds when she walked away. I don’t know how you handled it, T.J.”
“By blocking it from my memory.”
“Something I wouldn’t want,” Aaron confirmed. “And I’m not going to because she isn’t walking away this time.”
I felt his shoulders straighten under my arm before he stomped towards her with a single-mindedness that had me wanting to chuckle. Watch out Becca. Aaron’s hunting you. And he’s not to be denied.
As I watched with T.J. at my side, keeping a little distance between us and them, Aaron reached for one of her hands, pulling it up to his heart. “I’m so unbelievably sorry for my behaviour yesterday. Please forgive me.”
She bit her lip as she gazed up at him, examining him. I’d seen her do that before when she was checking us to see if she could believe the words that came from our mouths. The outcome this time would be the same as all the others, she’d discover that it was the truth. Never did we lie to her.
“Only if you forgive me for walking away instead of staying to talk things out.”
“Always.” Aaron pulled her into a giant hug, cradling the back of her head against his chest as he kissed the top of her hair. “I’ve missed you so much. It was like a part of me was missing.”
“I’ve missed you, too,” she said as she pulled out of his hug. While Arron let her step back, the big lug continued to hold onto her hand.
“Come on,” he said as he towed her the few steps towards us. “There are others who want to see you.”
“Brice.” Her voice came out a little breathless as she stopped in front of me. It reminded me of how she sounded that night when I first thrust into her. If I’d managed to calm my earlier display from Aaron’s word-painted-picture of her up against a wall, I partially lost the battle when she climbed out of her car, and I completely lost it with that memory. My jeans were far too tight and were going to leave zipper imprints on me if I didn’t do something soon.
“Becca,” I said, taking her into my arms. Yup, I wasn’t getting rid of my cockstand anytime soon. Not with her around where I could breathe in her scent and touch her soft skin. “I may not have been a part of what happened the last two days, but I’m sorry.”
She pulled back a little, and I let her go even as my body and heart protested. Her soft chuckles loosened all those bound pieces of my soul. For the first time in six years I felt like I could breathe without any restrictions. “You’re sounding decidedly Canadian,” she said as her fingertips went to the soft skin below her eyes, wiping away any trace of the few tears she shed.
I winked. “I’ve been practising.” And then I adjusted my voice to a horrible French accent that clashed with my lightly tempered Southern drawl that I spoke with after growing up in South Carolina. “Don’t I sound like a true Canadian?”
Her mouth hung open for a split second before it quivered. Her eyes sparkled with amusement. “Th-that was…”
“The absolute worst,” my friends supplied for her.
I wiggled my eyebrows as I kept my gaze on her while giving my most innocent and earnest look.
She snorted, turned red, and then gave up trying to suppress her laughter. We all joined in.
Suddenly it was as if the last six years hadn’t happened. Even when she joked with us that one time on Friday night, there’d been something not quite natural about it. But this…this was heaven and normal.
She controlled her giggles long enough to say, “It really was the worst.” And then she dissolved into laughter again. Hard enough that she had problems standing. Before I could grab her, T.J. beat me to it, wrapping his arms around her from behind while he pulled her back to his chest.
When she finally stopped, I stepped into her space, sandwiching her between T.J. and myself while still giving her room to breathe as I forced her to tilt her head back to look me in the face. The sheen of tears on her cheeks had me reaching out with my thumbs to wipe them away.
“I’m so thankful that you came. I’ve missed you so much.”