Page 200 of Let's Play
We continued our journey in silence. I needed to keep my head clear and focus on swimming my best and reaching that all important goal. If I didn’t succeed this year, my next chance would be in four years’ time.
Arriving at the pool, I jumped out of the car, preparing myself to take in the environment. The crowds always spurred me on at these events, and knowing Cass would be here with me today only made it more special. Over the past two months, I’d become more attached to her, and I was certain I wanted her to be my girlfriend. Reece had been right; she already was in all but name.
I was nervous to ask her, but planned to, today after the competition. Provided everything went well for us both, of course. I knew my nerves would dissipate once I was in the building and ready for competition. I was sure that would help me to focus on what I was supposed to be doing today and not on Cass. I’d been careful to ensure that our ongoing relationship didn’t affect our swimming careers. I just hoped it all paid off today.
9 Cassie
Today was the most important day in both mine and Tyler’s careers. I was excited for him. I wanted this day to start the next stage of our relationship, but to do that, everything needed to work out. I felt like a hopeless romantic dreaming about how amazing it would be for our relationship if we were in the national team together. Training and attending competitions together for the next few years. I couldn’t allow my concentration to drift today, though. It would all be an unobtainable dream if I didn’t swim my best because I was too busy thinking about Tyler and his magical cock.
“Cass, are you ready for today? Your warm-up session starts in fifteen minutes.” My dad broke me from my trance successfully, managing to sound simultaneously like a concerned parent and a coach.
“Yeah, I’m ready. I’ll just go and put my warm-up suit on,” I told him, walking away, hoping to find Tyler in the changing rooms.
Luck was on my side as I walked through the showers directly into the tanned hard chest I’d recognise anywhere. I had spent most of the last two months with it after all. “Hey Cass.” His deep voice sent a shiver down my spine. Just a few words from him had me craving him.
I’d thought when we first met that he would be a one-night stand I’d never see again. The following day, I was certain that after our argument and our quickie in the cupboard, we would be done. However, he proved more addictive than I’d originally thought. I couldn’t resist going back for more, and he didn’t exactly do anything to prevent us doing more.
The corner of my mouth turned up at the feeling of him as he ran his hands over my arms. I craved him, but there was nothing I could do about that right now, or even until later on tonight. Sex was great, but it definitely wasn’t a good thing to be doing before an important competition. Tired muscles would not lead to fast times. “Tyler, I need to head off. The women’s warm-up is about to start.”
His eyes dropped as he pouted. “Okay, I will see you later.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me suggestively. Rolling my eyes, I didn’t care to correct him. Mainly because he’d take satisfaction from it, but more so, because he was probably right.
The morning session passed quickly. I had swam well and so had Tyler, along with a few others from our club. We had another session of heats this afternoon to see who would make it into the finals later in the evening. It was a gruelling day and process, but it showed the team who had the ability and drive to go far and maintain it.
The day passed quickly and finals came around quickly. Sitting in the waiting area surrounded by the seven other girls I would be competing against, I could feel my palms beginning to sweat. I didn’t normally get nervous. Usually the only people I was able to let down if I didn’t swim well were myself and my father, but now my potential future with Tyler could be at risk. We hadn’t discussed our future, but in my mind, I was convinced being on the national team together would only lead to something more.
I closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing to purge my mind from negative thoughts. I’d done the training, I could achieve those target times the team strived for; after all I was one of the fastest qualifiers. Maintaining my focus would be key to me achieving my goal today.
A tap on my shoulder snapped me from my concentration and I was met by the sight of a woman dressed all in white. “It’s time for the 200 metre backstroke, I did say it a few times.”
Releasing my breath I hadn’t realised I’d been holding, I stood and followed behind the other swimmers, ready to take my place in lane five. Hearing the crowd as we took our places behind the diving block, I waited for the atmosphere to change from one of excitement into anticipation for the race to begin.
Silence grew around the poolside. It was time. Standing in my place on the edge of the pool, I waited for the three short whistles to blast through the silence.
I jumped off the side and plunged into the cool water when the whistle went off. Feeling the water swallow me, my tension eased immediately. I was in my happy place; big race or not. Blowing out, I surfaced, grabbing hold of the starting block as I reached up. My feet placed against the hard plastic of the timing pad.
“Take your marks,” the starter's voice echoed around the large space. I pulled myself into the wall, poised ready for the buzzer.
In that position, time froze. It felt like an age but really was a matter of seconds until the horn sounded. I was off: under the water I went, pulling down as I approached the surface.
Breaking the surface, I inhaled deeply before settling my breath into the rhythm I’d been working on to keep my stamina up for the full distance. Four lengths of the pool and it would be finished. I couldn’t control what happened now, I just had to keep going. Looking to see where the swimmers on either side of me would only slow me down. This was my race, I had to think about myself and nothing else.
Reaching the final length quickly, I used everything I had left to reach the wall. My hand made hard contact with the same touchpad my feet had started on, before I turned to check the timing screen and lanes around me. Squinting slightly to read, I saw my name and lane number at the top of the board. Two minutes, five seconds and the fastest.
Tears welled in my eyes; I’d done it. I waited for all the competitors to finish before being told to exit the pool. Ducking under the lane ropes, I made my way to the side. The reality of the situation had not quite sunk in yet. I won! I was in the national team.
Climbing out of the side, I saw I was alone. Coaches and swimmers weren’t supposed to crowd around the exit of the pool after a race. I made my way back to where my dad and the rest of the swimmers were, still in a daze about what had happened.
“Cass, you did it, and a new personal best. Congratulations, you’re on the national team, sweetie.” My dad was the first one to greet me, which I should have expected.
The words which slipped out of my lips next were not what I anticipated. “Thanks. Where’s Tyler?”
I watched the scowl travel down his face from his eyebrows. “He’s waiting for his last swim, but why are you looking for him?”
Panicking slightly, I knew I needed to say something quickly to appease my father’s curiosity. “Everyone else seems to be here except him and Reece, that’s all. Sorry, my common sense seems to have left me this evening.”