Page 210 of Let's Play
Chapter 3
I woke up to a message from Catlover99 this morning.
Catlover99: Since we couldn’t talk much last night, what do you think about talking tonight? On the phone?
Seriousley617: Video chat?
Catlover99: Nah, let’s take it old school and just talk on the phone. I just want to hear your voice.
Seriousley617: Give me your number. I’ll call tonight around 10?
So, I’ve been equal parts excited and stressed about that all day. Plus, I’m tired from my shopping spree with Molly, but we did a respectable amount of damage. I have half of my holiday shopping done. I’m back at Bainbridge now, my suitcase is unpacked, and my laundry is folded. Ethan used to make fun of me for being so anal, but I’m organized--sue me. I just like things the way I like them.
But now that all those tasks are done, I’m bored. I should make a grocery store run, but I decide to head over to the library to study. Groceries can wait.
It’s a Friday night, and the day after a holiday, but the library is thankfully open and unsurprisingly empty. I wave to Josie, who’s working the front desk.
“Hey, Ash. You here to study?”
“As usual. What a thrilling life I lead.”
She holds up a book about early literacy and nods. “Same here. But at least I’m also getting paid for it. Just a heads up, we close at nine tonight. My shift ends in an hour, but George is here until close. Oh, and you might want to avoid your usual spot. One of the bathrooms flooded, so we roped that section off.”
“Ugh. Good to know. Maybe I’ll venture upstairs and find a new favorite spot.”
“Sounds like a plan,” she says, pushing her turquoise leopard print glasses up her nose.
I wave again and head for the stairs. I usually prefer to hole up in a cozy nook on the first floor, but it’s a library--I’m sure there are cozy nooks everywhere. Feeling uncharacteristically adventurous, I walk all the way up to the top floor and look around. There, in a far corner by the window, is the perfect spot. It’s pretty well hidden. There’s a chair with an ottoman, and a standing lamp. I break into a grin and then laugh. How pathetic is my life when a plush chair and reading lamp are highlights?
I drop my bag on a nearby table, dig out my giant-ass anatomy book, and curl up to read. I want to check my phone again, but I need to focus. But it’s hard to focus on anatomy when all I can think about is Catlover99’s anatomy.
When we were messaging last night and he mentioned “plans” and “sex music”, I about died. I was so tempted to text him something saucy when I crawled into bed last night. I wanted to flirt, to tease, but I chickened out. I mean, I think he was serious, but what if he was joking? So, I took a baby step instead and suggested a phone date for later tonight.
That’s safer since we haven’t met yet. I hate to admit it, but Molly has a point. I haven’t even met the guy. Sure, I feel like I know him. I know how funny he is. I know he loves his friends, hates onions, and is obsessed with vintage cars. I know he color codes his laundry and wakes up before his alarm. I know he loves CSI and has seen every episode. I know he hates the taste of coffee but drinks it for the caffeine.
But what if we meet in person and there’s no chemistry? What if we’ve had such great conversations online that when we meet, we have nothing to talk about? What if he’s not that into me? Or I’m not that into him? Or…
“Ugh,” I say to absolutely no one. This place really is deserted. Ok, enough obsessing. Our coffee date tomorrow morning is just that, a coffee date. Not a marriage ceremony. We’ll talk tonight. Confirm our plans for coffee. Tomorrow, we’ll hang out, and if it’s fun, we’ll make plans to hang out again. And if it isn’t, we won't.
No big deal.
Except I’m a professional at making everything a Big Deal. I take a deep breath and shake off my worry, then turn my attention back to my textbook. Soon, I’m highlighting and taking notes like the pro I am.
I’ve been lost in my book for at least an hour when I hear a crash and then a deep voice says my name.
It’s been a day. Optional Skate was good, but Schuler wouldn’t shut up about my first date google search. I talked to my parents and little brother back home, and they’re doing great, but the call left me a little homesick, if I’m being honest.
I was ready to head back to my apartment and veg for a bit, but then I got a call from Van saying he needed my help. So, off to the hockey house I went. I have no clue what the hell he was up to last night, but his bed frame was broken in two places, and there was a giant hole in his wall and burn marks on the hard wood floor. I didn’t ask, I just went along for the ride to the hardware store and spent the afternoon watching YouTube videos on drywall and sanding.
Van bought pizza and beer and we ate and talked, but by the time I got home, I was restless again. I re-watched a couple CSI episodes, but even that wasn’t holding my attention. I’m just killing time until 10 p.m. Seriousley617 is calling me then and I can’t wait to hear her voice. That’s probably silly of me, and I have no doubt my teammates would give me so much shit, but I wouldn’t even care.
So, I walked over to campus for some caffeine, but Drip is closed. Luckily, they’re open tomorrow, so that bodes well for my coffee date. Since I was here anyway, I figured I’d hang out in the library for a few and get a little studying done. I brought my laptop along, so I could work on a project that’s due for Stats.