Page 24 of Let's Play
“Right now.”
We engage in a staring contest for about fifteen seconds before he shrugs. It would be impossible not to notice how broad and perfectly sculpted his shoulders are. If I didn’t know better, I’d say they were chiseled from marble. I shove those errant thoughts away before they can take root in my brain and mess any more with my hormones.
Carson slips from the booth before Easton slides over and rises to his feet. Before I can follow suit, his fingers lock around my wrist, pulling me up in one swift motion.
Embarrassed that my friends have ruined our date, I shift toward Ryder. This evening has turned out to be a total disaster, and it’s doubtful anything will salvage it at this point. “I’ll be right back.”
“No worries,” he says easily.
“I’m really—”
The apology perched on the tip of my tongue gets cut short as I’m dragged away from the table.
I stumble in my haste to keep up with him. “That was rude.”
He snorts under his breath as we step into a short hallway where the bathrooms are located. The way his fingers singe the flesh of my wrist is enough to leave me lightheaded. Needing to break the physical connection pulsing between us, I twist out of his tight grip. It might have taken a while, but I’ve come to the realization that the only way to get over my feelings for Easton is to stomp them out every time they bubble to the surface.
Like right now.
It takes two attempts before he finally releases his hold.
I rub my wrist with delicate circles before backing away and flinging my hand toward the crowded dining room. “What was that all about?”
He shifts his stance as a frown settles across his features. “What do you mean? Joining you for dinner?”
Is he really that oblivious?
I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. “Of course that’s what I mean! Didn’t you realize that we were on a date? Exactly how am I supposed to get to know Ryder if you and your friends are hijacking the conversation?”
“Last time I checked, they were your friends, too.”
I squeeze my eyes closed and suck in a deep breath, hoping it will calm me from the inside out.
“That’s not what I meant,” I mutter as frustration pounds through me. “You crashed my date.”
His eyes narrow as the edges of his lips sink. “Correction—what I did was save you from that loser. You looked bored off your ass, and I took it as a cry for help.”
I shake my head. “A cry for help? Give me a break. I was having a good time. Ryder’s a nice guy and he’s actually really funny. He asked if I’d like to watch one of his games.”
One brow rises. “Is that so?”
I blink at the abrupt change in his behavior.
Before I can figure out what it means, Easton stalks closer. My eyes widen as I scramble backward until my shoulders hit the wall and there’s nowhere else to go. He’s so close that I have to tip my chin to hold his steely gaze. My hands shoot out, both palms slamming into his chest to keep him from advancing any further.
The dark look in his eyes has my heart jackhammering painfully beneath my breast.
“He’s not the right guy for you,” he growls.
The way his voice dips, sounding as if it’s been scraped from the bottom of the ocean, sends a fresh burst of nerves scampering down my spine.
“Why would you say that?” I can barely manage to force out the question.
“Because you don’t need a guy who will toy with your heart. You need a man who can appreciate all the amazing qualities you have to offer. Like how smart, kind, and athletic you are. Or that you have a great sense of humor. Especially after a few drinks.”
My lips quirk at the corners.
He picks up a thick lock of hair from my shoulder before rubbing it between his fingers. “And that you’re absolutely gorgeous. I’ve always loved the way the sun glints off your hair when you wear it down. It’s as dark and silky as a raven’s wing.”